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Climacell always polls at 120s regardless of parameter I set

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I'm using Climacell (free account) and there are options to set the polling frequency through the Polyglot-Cloud webpage.  There are polling frequency parameters shortPoll and longPoll for the data sets.  The default shortPoll is 120s.  I've tried increasing this to 240s ~ 300s and the new values seems to save correctly as a subsequent load of the Configuration page from within the Polyglot-Cloud webpages shows the new shortPoll value I've set.  But the behavior of this nodeserver does not seem to change, i.e. it still polls every 120s.  It's not a big deal to me, I just thought fetching every 2 minutes was a bit unnecessary for me.  Anyone else seen this?  Or maybe I'm the only one playing with the polling frequency for Climacell.

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The polling frequency is controlled by Polyglot, not the node server.  That setting is a Polyglot setting.  You may have to restart the node server for it to take effect, I'm not sure how Polyglot cloud handles those changes.

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