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Programming Problem for Backup Pump Alarm


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I have a circulating pump that is connected to a sensitive N/C flow switch. The flow switch is connected to the Insteon 74551 I/O link. When the pump fails, the I/O triggers a program that sends me a message that I have a pump failure and to start the backup pump. All works fine except the flow switch is so sensitive, a small air bubble in the water or a power dip, the flow drops for a few seconds and triggers the I/O. This can happen three or four times a week. So I tried to write a few program that will wait 2 minutes before sending a notification but they just don't work well, too many false alarms....I just can't figure out the correct IF statements.  Simply I'm trying to have a program that does nothing until it confirms there is constant trigger 2 minutes after the initial trigger. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is my effort at programs which clearly don't work: 

"Pump Failure":   If CW Backup Pump Alert-sensor is ON,

                             Then Wait 2 Minutes

                              Run program "Pump Failure 2" (if)

                              Else No Action

"Pump Failure 2": If Program 'pump failure' is true

                              Then Set 'CW backup Alarm ON (this is lamp link with red warning bulb)

                               Send Notification to Brooke email content 'Cold Circ Pump Failure'

                               Wait 10 minutes

                               Send Notification to Brooke email content 'Cold Circ Pump Failure'

                                Else No Action

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try this:

"Pump Failure":   If CW Backup Pump Alert-sensor is ON,


                             Run program "Pump Failure 2" (then)

                              Else No Action

Pump Failure 2:  If (none)


                            disable program Pump failure

                            wait 2 minutes

                            run program "Pump Failure 3" (if)

                            else (none)

"Pump Failure 3":  (disabled)

                              If CW Backup Pump Alert-sensor is ON,

                              Then Set 'CW backup Alarm ON (this is lamp link with red warning bulb)

                               Send Notification to Brooke email content 'Cold Circ Pump Failure'

                               Wait 10 minutes

                               Send Notification to Brooke email content 'Cold Circ Pump Failure'

                               enable program Pump failure


                               enable program Pump Failure


The problem with your version is that a retrigger of the sensor starts the 2 minute wait over again.

I may actually be wrong about needing 3 programs, I'm not sure if a program can disable itself, in that case just disable the first program before the wait, but have the last program enable it both at the end of THEN and in the ELSE.

Edit:  I tested... you will need 3 programs, when a program disables itself it stops running.

When a program is disabled, it prevents its IF statement from working automatically.  However it can be run by another program.  Therefor Program 3 is always disabled.  Technically it doesn't matter, because it doesn't have an IF statement, but i would also disable Program 2 always.   Program 1 will be disabled by Program 2 to protect the wait, and re-enabled by program 3 in both the THEN and ELSE so that the alarm doesn't end up getting left turned off.

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