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OR logic appears broken in IF statements


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I have the following IF statement:


If Control 'Foo' is switched On

Or (

Status 'Bar' is Off

And Control 'Bar' is switched Off



Then ...


The then does not seem to get executed in either case - be it Foo getting switched on or Bar being switched off. If I delete the entire Or part, the Foo switch does work.

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I never have been able to think in "foo bar" speakage so lets see if I understand the logic. You want; if light1 is turned on, or if light2 is turned off and light2 is already off. This is an elseif type of configuration and should work, might be a bug.


       Control 'Light1' is switched On 
       Or ( 
               Control 'Light2' is switched Off 
           And Status  'Light2' is Off 

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