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OpenWeatherMap incorrect annotations and calculations in Metric units

Clive Alcock

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I have just installed the OpenWeatherMap NS and in general it works as expected with current conditions and forecasts. However there are several issues with the annotations and I think some of the calculations are incorrect. See the attached screen shot. Temperatures are displayed correctly in Deg C but are annotated as Deg F. Based on other reports the wind speeds, visibility and rain rates are all reported in Imperial units and annotated that way. I have checked the configuration of the Node Server and it is definitely set as Metric units. Have I screwed something up or is this a "feature".

OpenWeatherMap Annotations and calculation issues.PNG

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Is it getting updated values for those?  

There can be some strangeness because the node server tries to minimize the traffic it sends to the ISY.  Thus it only sends updates to the ISY when the value changes.  

I believe those values default to 'F' and only change to the correct units when the node server sends an update.

I know this type of behavior can happen if the ISY is restarted.  The ISY knows the last value it received, but goes back to the default units and it won't update the units until it receives an update from the node server.

If this is the case, then it should correct itself when it gets updated values from OpenWeatherMap.

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Thanks Bob. I did a couple of stops and starts and it corrected the displays. The issue with the wind speed calculation was me not reading the very tiny writing that noted m/sec as the speed units. Here in Canada we use km/hr so that was the source of confusion. I can deal with m/sec so  thanks very much for the NS and your comments.

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