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Gmail Stopped Working


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My ISY994i has been using the gmail smtp server to send emails from various programs/notifications.  I just realized that I haven't received any emails recently.  The last one was on Nov 2.  Is anyone else using smtp.gmail.com and having issues?

BTW, and sorry for what may be an obvious question, are there any log files on the ISY that would show what's happening?

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27 minutes ago, johnmsch said:

My ISY994i has been using the gmail smtp server to send emails from various programs/notifications.  I just realized that I haven't received any emails recently.  The last one was on Nov 2.  Is anyone else using smtp.gmail.com and having issues?

BTW, and sorry for what may be an obvious question, are there any log files on the ISY that would show what's happening?

Any reason why you would not use ISY's default email ?

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You should have received an email about a month ago from Google indicating that they were going to disable the "low security" feature on any gmail accounts with email's that appeared to being generated by devices as a security move, "IF" they were not actively being used. Not sure as to what they define "Active" as.

I checked and sure enough they disabled the low security feature on my gmail account that my Raspberry Pi uses to notify me with the newly assigned Public IP address, when the ISP changes my Public IP address. It has been running for the last 5 years and only sent me a new Public IP address about 5 times or so. I reset the gmail account back to "Low Security". Since they indicated that it would be on gmail accounts that are not that active, I decided that I would have the Pi send an email to my regular email account once every 24 hours. So at 11:15PM each night it generates an email to me. So far it works fine and I do not mind moving it with the "Junk" mail to the deleted folder each morning. Time will tell if this works.

It also lets me know that the Pi is still doing its job.


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1 hour ago, johnmsch said:

Yep, 'cause this is the first I've heard of it!  ?  I actually haven't touched anything on my ISY in years.

Please tell me more.


I am not at my Administrative Console right now, but I believe that all you need to do is check "default"  in the email settings.

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13 hours ago, johnmsch said:

Yep, 'cause this is the first I've heard of it!  ?  I actually haven't touched anything on my ISY in years.

Please tell me more.

So... Universal-devices does have a mail server you can use by simply checking the box "Use Default" on the configuration tab > emails and notifications sub tab.  HOWEVER, about a year ago UDI's server was getting deluged with spam and they made a change to how your ISY identifies itself as a legitimate sender.   As a result older firmware, can't use the default mail server. 

If you haven't touched your ISY in years, then that would probably mean you're on the 4.x branch and you can use the notification in the admin console to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of the 4.x branch which I believe (without looking) is 4.9. The default mail server will work with 4.9

If you're by chance on the 5.x branch, there's more questions before telling what version to upgrade to.

You can find your firmware version by opening the admin console and looking at Help > About.


I don't know what google told people in their email because I don't use google services very often, but I believe you should still be able to create app specific passwords


Originally I couldn't use UDI's default server because even white listed I had notifications ending up in Spam folder.  UDI's since changed something because when I've tested things for other posts the Spam problem seems to have gone away EXCEPT when you press the TEST button to send a test email... the TEST emails are still classified as Spam.


Personally my ISY uses a dedicated email account that I created via my Comcast account, and it works very well.  I can provide the SMTP settings if you happen to be a comcast customer.

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Thanks guys for the replies.

I have been checking my ISY every couple months looking for updates and I do apply them when available.  Here's my current setup:


Other than that, I haven't added any new devices or programs since early 2020.

@MrBillIf you would please provide your Comcast settings, I would appreciate it.  I tried it a few times and can't get it to work.  Here's my latest attempt at setting it up and attempting to send a test email:



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4 hours ago, johnmsch said:

I have been checking my ISY every couple months looking for updates and I do apply them when available

In version 5 you need to watch the forum, not the admin console, for updates.  The version 5 branch doesn't give that cool little flag that an update is available. 

At this point you should upgrade to v5.3.4 using the manual upgrade procedure.   From your current version its a simple upgrade, just backup first (always--just in case) then select help > manually upgrade and upload the still zipped upgraded file to the ISY. the rest the ISY will handle.   (You also need to do the clear java cache etc as the directions indicate).  WHen you log back into the admin console after the upgrade just check Help > About to make certain both Firmware and UI versions are the same.

for the comcast mail server:



Make sure there is a : in the From Field (From:user@comast.net... what is before the : doesn't matter but there must be some string a : and then the user@comcast.net), make certain the TLS box is checked and port 587.


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Thank you sir.  Just read through the Release 5.3.4 Test Build is now available thread and although it was a bit frightening at first, by page 3 I'm feeling better.  I'll do the upgrade in the next couple days.  I always do it the manual route and haven't had any issues, except the couple times I've forgotten to clear the java cache.

I do have the comcast parameters setup correctly except for the SMTP port which was set to 465 as above.  Just changed it to 587 and I no longer get the server error when doing a test, but the email is not reaching my Inbox.  Is there any way to debug this?  I just pulled the latest error log ISY Error Log.v5.3.0__Wed 2021.11.17 03.43.46 PM.txt and the last line in there is this:

Wed 2021/11/17 03:34:59 PM    System    -50001    -16

Is there any way to debug what is happening when I hit the Test button?


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7 minutes ago, johnmsch said:

Thank you sir.  Just read through the Release 5.3.4 Test Build is now available thread and although it was a bit frightening at first, by page 3 I'm feeling better.  I'll do the upgrade in the next couple days.  I always do it the manual route and haven't had any issues, except the couple times I've forgotten to clear the java cache.

I do have the comcast parameters setup correctly except for the SMTP port which was set to 465 as above.  Just changed it to 587 and I no longer get the server error when doing a test, but the email is not reaching my Inbox.  Is there any way to debug this?  I just pulled the latest error log ISY Error Log.v5.3.0__Wed 2021.11.17 03.43.46 PM.txt and the last line in there is this:

Wed 2021/11/17 03:34:59 PM    System    -50001    -16

Is there any way to debug what is happening when I hit the Test button?


System    -50001    -16  is "Password not accepted"  Source.

Also "Test" could end up in your spam folder.   Instead, try right clicking the name of a program that sends a Notification and picking Run Then or Run Else and send an actual notification.   


FYI... I actually use the SAME comcast account in the To: for the notification to be sent to.  (I can only speak for iPhone) but I use the Exchange app for various email accounts with notifications turned off completely (who gets too much email for notifications? )  So for the ISY Comcast account I downloaded the free app "Spark Mail" and Only added the same @comcast.com account (the same one the ISY is sending From:) So, in short my ISY's emails are From and To the same address. then I turned on Notifications for Spark Email. 


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@johnmsch Also don't  be intimidated by the 5.3.4 update instructions.... you've already done the hard update from v4.x that most of that is written for.... going 5.3.0 to 5.3.4 is a cake walk.... it will take you longer to let the ISY backup than it will to load the new software and let it go thru the reboot process.   excluding making the back-up this should take you 10 minutes, 15 tops.

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