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USB to Serial PLM?


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45 minutes ago, hchain said:

I need a serial PLM but can only find a USB.

Can I use a USB PLM on my serial ISY using an adapter?

There's already a large number of threads (at least 12+) on exactly this topic.  No you can't connect a USB PLM to the ISY-994i.

the basic options are:

1) Buy the USB and open it and your dead serial PLM and swap the daughter board.

2) solder new caps into the broken serial PLM

3) build and adapater using several parts and a raspberri pi

4) convert to using a Polisy hardware with the ISY on Polisy softare running... which will allow the use of a USB PLM however ISY running on Polisy is in alpha or beta testing (I'm not sure what the current label is) and is far from bug free.  There is also no clear easy migration path yet, that means you would need to start from scratch, rather than restore a backup on new hardware.

--- the easy option is #1


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