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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

How to: Add X-10 switches to version 2.7.7 Alpha


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Assuming one has downloaded the add-on module, from the admin console showing your main tab, choose:


link management>>new insteon/a10/x10 device


In the pop-up window, give your device a name of your choice, in the address field, add house code and number (example A12), in the device type choose generic X10 device. Worked for me.


You can move the new device to folders if you wish. In programs, the device name shows up in conditions and actions. I understand you cannot use X-10 devices in scenes.


There is a post about this in the X-10 forum under the index. It is the sticky one on top.


I understand the X-10 support is an add-on module. One requires, however, v2.7.7 to be able to access the module. I was unable to get the module on 2.7.6.

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