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Motion Sensor 2 2842-222 "Cannot Determine Insteon Engine"

Dogan Bora

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I am going through the process of migrating from my Isy 994i to Polisy.  Due to my sudden failure of the 2413 PLM connected to Isy994i, I was forced to use an USB PLM to Polisy.  I as able to acquire an USB PLM on line and connect to my new Polisy USB Port, so I can run Isy on Polisy and communicate with my Insteon devices.

Having lost my connectivity to my Insteon and the hope of automagically uploading all of my devices, scenes and programs, I had to manually add my old network using an old "Generate Topology" report from Isy and use this as my checklist.  The process was patchy as to old and newer Insteon devices not being able to add with the dreaded "Can not determine Insteon Engine" message. I have several outlets and switches as spare so those were not critical, however the relatively new Motion sensors failing was a surprise and an issue as a lot of my old scenes and programs use these to create an event.  Caveat: I am using the exact power source locations and placement of Polisy in respect to my network switch as I did with my Isy 994i device where the Motion Sensors were connected.  I have started the recommended solution of moving devices to eliminate "polluted" power sources to see if I can get the motion sensors connected.

Has anyone experienced any success with adding Motion Sensor 2 2842-222 or getting around the "Can not determine Insteon Engine" condition.


If you have electrical noise you may get that error due to bad comms.

Have you factory reset each device before attempting to add it to a new PLM?

I used an ISY994 backup and did a restore into pilisy for mine. It took about a day to clean and resave every scene and NR. Variables were crazy due to the reverse endian style of numeric storage styles and programs enabled and disabled took about another week to troubleshoot by errors showing up.

AFAIK it is all working well right now while on vacation. I get regular reports of house health and network devices health each day.

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk


I have a phase coupler on my electrical service panel and I am using the same power outlets I used with my Isy 994i and did not experience line noise issues. I am moving power sources to the PLM and Polisy around and will try factory reset as well as Motion Sensors that have never been installed.  Will report if I can discover anything.

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