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Lights go out after reboot


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@Michaelv What Larryllix was getting at is that the behavior you are describing normally is related to a program that is turning on/off your devices. There is also the possibility that you have something set to "Run at Startup" Check in your program Summary page.


By disabling the programs you can quickly determine if there is a program responsible. If that is the case then simply enable them one at a time until you find the one responsible. Then you'll be able to change it to suite your desired outcome.

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3 hours ago, Michaelv said:

Start up on every program then enabled run at start up only the programs I want running at start up. 

Without knowing the contents of the programs its hard to say...  Keep in mind that ISY programs RUN because conditions in the IF statement cause the program to be triggered.   "Run at Startup" forces the program to run during the startup process.  Not having a program "running at startup" doesn't mean the program is disabled, it just means that it is forced to run during the startup process.

Also on the configuration tab there are two programs that might be effecting how your ISY operates during startup.  "Catch up schedules at startup" and "Missed Schedule Grace period" on mine the first is unchecked.  I'm not really sure what happens if it's checked or if this is related to your issue.  I don't reboot my ISY very often and don't have anything change state when I do.

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