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Error message on UD Mobile with Schlage Z-wave lock

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I have used MobiLinc Pro for years but recently saw UD's "UD Mobile" app and decided to experiment with it.

This is my ISY config:

I have one Z-wave device on my network which is the Schlage Z-Wave deadbolt. When I attempt to interact with this device using UD Mobile, I get an error message which says, "ERROR Node object does not have nodeDefObject"


It may be worth noting that interacting with this device did work for a few minutes, but once that error message came up, it never worked again. While it was working, I added this device to Favorites. I switched screens, came back to favorites and it was no longer there. When I tried to interact directly with the device, drilling down to it on the Home section, that's when I saw the error.

For what it's worth, MobiLinc Pro does not have any issue controlling the device nor does the Java-based ISY client. So, I guess I'm not so much seeking a solution because I can get the job done; I mainly wanted to contribute this event to the forum so that the developers and other users might be aware that it exists.

Thanks in advance for any advice / consultation. And happy new year!

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Hi @chris.com,

Thank you.  The app is not able to get a list of files from the ISY.  This is usually caused by a communication issue or incomplete firmware upgrade.

Did you updated firmware sometime after the app was working correctly?

To check if this is a communication issue, please reboot ISY and Mobile device then after a few minutes try synchronization again.


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50 minutes ago, Javi said:

Hi @chris.com,

Thank you.  The app is not able to get a list of files from the ISY.  This is usually caused by a communication issue or incomplete firmware upgrade.

Did you updated firmware sometime after the app was working correctly?

The firmware was upgraded to 5.3.0 in October of last year. This was in conjunction with the installation of the Z-Wave 500 Series Module into my device. For what it's worth, I have never had alpha, beta, or even release candidate firmware installed on this device. I have only installed and upgraded from and to official releases. The 5.3.0 install has been the most stable since I've purchased the ISY five years ago. The Java interface works perfectly. The 'my.isy.io' functions works perfectly and I regularly use Amazon Echos throughout my house to control devices, scenes, and programs. Also, the MobiLinc app functions without any issues. So, at this point, I don't have any indicators that there was any problem with the firmware install. This is the first error or glitch I have encountered so far.

50 minutes ago, Javi said:

To check if this is a communication issue, please reboot ISY and Mobile device then after a few minutes try synchronization again.

I rebooted the ISY and tried several times over a 20-minute period after the reboot without success. I get the same error as in the screenshot above. I'm using version 0.6.1 of the app.

Thanks again for your help.

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Hi @chris.com,

Thanks for trying reboot. 

This error is unique to UD Mobile as the Admin Console has these file pre-packaged into the program, this is the reason Admin Console UI and Firmware must match and requires a new version for each firmware release. As far as I know Mobilinc uses hard coded values for limited node commands. UD Mobile does not pre-package these files and makes a request for these files during synchronization. UD Mobile does not have hard coded values and does not require firmware/UI matching. After file requests are completed UD Mobile should show all available commands for each node, the same as the Admin Console.

Please see the following issue for self diagnostic instructions. If you have ISY portal and prefer remote diagnostic please open a ticket. When we run a remote diagnostic we will check the same url for missing files.  If there are missing files, a firmware reinstallation will be required by the user on a local network.  Firmware reinstallation is the same as manual firmware upgrade. This is a known issue usually, but not always, caused by remote firmware upgrades.

Issue Documented here:  https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS#missing-data

I'm unsure if this issue has been reported on the Forum in the past, so please update us if this resolves the issue as it may help others in the future.

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Thanks for the lead.

I followed the instructions listed in the github document you sent:

The XML for both Insteon and Z-wave returned by my ISY are identical to the XML in the github document. I checked it visually, but because I lack confidence in my 50-year-old eyeballs and brain, I also did a compare using BBEdit and it reported that they were identical. So I believe I can say with confidence that they are.

If that's the case, is there any benefit to reinstalling the firmware or does this mean the problem likely lies elsewhere?

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Do you have ISY Portal?  If you have ISY portal and are open to remote diagnostic please open a ticket.  If not please post the output of the requests GitHub requests and I'll provide you with another URL so we can check the directory contents for missing files/data. At this point I'm still unsure if missing files is the issue.

To answer your question about firmware reinstallation; users who have had the issue also had missing/incorrect files in other locations which resulted in other less obvious errors.

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2 hours ago, Javi said:

Do you have ISY Portal?  If you have ISY portal and are open to remote diagnostic please open a ticket.  If not please post the output of the requests GitHub requests and I'll provide you with another URL so we can check the directory contents for missing files/data. At this point I'm still unsure if missing files is the issue.

To answer your question about firmware reinstallation; users who have had the issue also had missing/incorrect files in other locations which resulted in other less obvious errors.

I have have opened a ticket as per your recommendation. Thanks again for your time and assistance.

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