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Need help identifying PCB component, please.


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I’m trying to repair an old 2423A5 synchrolinc. It won’t report state changes to my Isy.  

can anyone identify these three green components?  I think two of them are bad.  They have a small black/blue and a small red dot on top of them and a larger red/orange dot on the side but no makings of any kind. On the PCB, they are marked L1, L3, and L8.  This makes me think that they are inductors.  How could i better identify them so I can replace them?


Edited by someguy
correction of colors of dots.
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They are small coils or inductors. The dots are the value of the part.

I have never seen one go bad. Measure them with a meter and see if they have resistance.

Since it is a Smarthome product I always suspect the filter caps. Especially if it has a LINK354 switching supply on it.

The photo is maybe an Imeter Solo or  Synchro Linc?

You may also want to look at the current sensing shunt on the Neutral Output from the board to the outlet. If it is completely dead. There is a safety fuse in the shrink tubing. From the AC Line input fuse to the AC Line input to the board.

Edited by Brian H
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it appears that most inductors have stripes.  mine has three dots.  i believe that the two on top are for polarity so that leave the green color of the inductor and the red color of the dot.  using this page i found on google, I'm not sure what to make of it.  any other suggestions or help in identifying this (apparent) inductor?


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@Brian Hi checked the connection from the neutral input to the neutral output and it is good.

I checked the resistance of these three green "inductors" with them ON the board and one has a resistance of 26 ohms and the other two have a resistance of 2.6 ohms.  

i tested the three capacitors with an ESR meter and they all three show to be good. 

it is a synchroLinc.   the problem that the unit was having was that it was not relaying it's on/off status to the PLM automatically.  it could be querried and it would respond correctly. 

Edited by someguy
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16 hours ago, someguy said:

it is a synchroLinc.   the problem that the unit was having was that it was not relaying it's on/off status to the PLM automatically.  it could be querried and it would respond correctly. 

Did you try factory reset?  

Anything of interest in the Event Viewer for the failed transmissions?

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You may find more information here.  https://coil32.net/design/color-marking.html

I looked at a SynchroLinc. Mine has three round style coils. On top Brown then Black on the one side Red and the other side looks like Silver.  Like the ones in your photo.

I would think all three would read close to each other. Unless the connected circuitry effected it.

I would check for the proper entry in the PLM database as we have seen messages missed if the PLM does not have the link in it.

Also it is power line only so maybe a noise or signal absorber recently added to the home.

Edited by Brian H
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The link database in the Synchrolinc is, for whatever reason, quite wrong.  From the ISY's point of view, it should have nothing by the PLM's address, but it seems to have something rather different there.

First thing to do is to reload the Synchrolinc's link DB (IIRC that's an option on the diag menu for the Synchrolinc in the UI).

Next question is how it got that way -- might be a failing power supply in the Synchrolinc that is corrupting the link db, but could also be noise on the power line.

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