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Bug in NOAA


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Video attached.

We had a winter weather advisory upgraded to a winter storm warning.

So basically there are two warnings at the same time.

We also had a wind advisory but that never shows up in the video at all.

So two issues-  One is what if there are two advisories/warnings at the same time. 

Second what if one is upgraded.  The problem is they dont delete the old one so really the upgraded one overlaps the other and probably only way to know is the other is newer. 

So I would always display the most serious one unless you can display them all.

Ignore the error that pops up.  I hit query too many times in a row I think

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Thanks for the information.  

The problem is that the ISY doesn't really have a way to deal with a dynamic number of items, it always wants a fixed number of items in a node.

So I don't know of anyway to make it work much better with the limitations imposed by the ISY node model.

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16 hours ago, macjeff said:

Can you at least show the latest.  The winter storm warning came out many hours after the advisory.  And I checked both and they have issue times and dates.  

Sure. I'll add that to the TODO list for that node server.

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