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Possible cause for ALL ON event

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I know that Smarthome has removed the ALL ON command from their firmware for units shipped in the last couple of years, but some of us have older modules that still respond to an ALL ON command. For those modules, ALL ON commands can still cause issues.

Tonight I may have discovered another possible source for ALL ON commands

I have an older 2456S3 - date code 1152 - that was beginning to fail by intermittently not responding to ON/OFF commands in the last two-three months. I just hadn't got around to replacing it.  I'm assuming the power supply is failing due to old caps that are failing.

I've had two ALL ON events in the last month, after having none for several years.  I have no Insteon wireless devices (one possible source of interference-caused ALL ON events) in my system, having replaced all of them with Zwave wireless devices a few years back.

I believe the failing Power Supply in the 2456S3 module may have caused it to send or created the conditions that made the 2 recent ALL ON events happen. 

I've replaced the failing module, and will see if that ends the random ALL ON events.

Just something to keep in mind if you still have older modules and are getting random ALL ON events.

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I had an OnOffLinc plug-in module produce scene on commands in response to commands issued from ISY. Since the On pattern matched one of my scenes containing about 6 lights I recognised the pattern and thought it was my programming causing it. It took mye over a year to find it after I got serious about the annoyance. I found errors in my ISY logs instead of an ACK from my plug-in module controlling my humidifier that operated many times per day. After power cycling the plug-in it performed well for the last few years only to find it starting to act up again recently. I finally junked it.

In conclusion, I found ALL ON just to be another scene, predefined in the factory, but just another scene, and any device can create it when it's little CPU and eprom go crazy. My guess is that Insteon has discovered a flaw in their scene protocol and may be backing out of production of their units because they don't now what to do about it. Don't get me wrong because I am a big Insteon supporter, but they have been lucky with their protocol, but just floundering since it's inception and hardware support. No data security is the biggest problem despite what their original conceptual white paper proposed. I doubt they even wrote it.


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I had a few 2456S3 modules fail.

One started pulsing On and Off at about a one second interval. Bad 470uF/35V  NOVER (Green Case) capacitor. Another common problem is the 30 Volt Zener Diode.  Got very warm, Some shorted or got hot enough to melt the solder and fall off the board. Leaving two burned areas on the board.

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