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Wirelesstag Sensors not showing up

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Node server is running and is show that it is connected in the admin console:



Several post on the forum state to enable tag manager but I can't find where that would be selected. I believe the connection to the mywirelesstag is working but for some reason it is not creating the tag manager node. Log from PG3:



2022-06-11 10:39:13,986 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message longPoll
2022-06-11 10:39:13,988 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING longPoll
2022-06-11 10:39:13,989 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    Controller:longPoll: ready=True
2022-06-11 10:39:13,990 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    Controller:heartbeat: hb=1
2022-06-11 10:39:13,991 Thread-22  udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:send: PUBLISHING {'command': [{'address': 'wtcontroller', 'cmd': 'DOF'}]}
2022-06-11 10:39:13,993 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: Sending: url=https://www.mytaglist.com/ethAccount.asmx/IsSignedIn payload={}
2022-06-11 10:39:14,050 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll
2022-06-11 10:39:14,052 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll
2022-06-11 10:39:14,454 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command
2022-06-11 10:39:14,455 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command
2022-06-11 10:39:15,291 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post:  Got: code=200
2022-06-11 10:39:15,292 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: path=ethAccount.asmx/IsSignedIn got={'d': True}
2022-06-11 10:39:15,293 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: ret={'st': True, 'result': True}
2022-06-11 10:39:15,293 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    Controller:is_signed_in: True
2022-06-11 10:39:15,294 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: Sending: url=https://www.mytaglist.com/ethAccount.asmx/GetTagManagers payload={}
2022-06-11 10:39:15,407 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post:  Got: code=200
2022-06-11 10:39:15,409 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: path=ethAccount.asmx/GetTagManagers got={'d': [{'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU'', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}]}
2022-06-11 10:39:15,409 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: ret={'st': True, 'result': [{'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}]}
2022-06-11 10:39:15,410 Thread-22  udi_interface      DEBUG    Controller:set_tag_managers_st: TagManagers={'st': True, 'result': [{'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU'', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}]}
2022-06-11 10:50:14,037 MQTT       udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll
2022-06-11 10:50:14,039 Command    udi_interface.interface DEBUG    interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll



I believe it should be creating a "Kulaga Home" node. I've deleted and reinstalled the node server, restarted PG3, Polisy, and ISY several times. Can't get it to work. 

Thanks for your assistance,



Posted (edited)

Have you clicked on "Discover" in your Wireless Tags Controller in the Admin Console?

Are your tags showing up in the node server nodes?

Edited by dbuss

Clicking the discovery button in admin console is throwing errors in PG3 log


2022-06-11 12:49:28,925 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command
2022-06-11 12:49:28,927 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command
2022-06-11 12:49:28,929 Thread-115 udi_interface DEBUG wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: Sending: url=https://www.mytaglist.com/ethAccount.asmx/GetTagManagers payload={}
2022-06-11 12:49:29,056 Thread-115 udi_interface DEBUG wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: Got: code=200
2022-06-11 12:49:29,058 Thread-115 udi_interface DEBUG wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: path=ethAccount.asmx/GetTagManagers got={'d': [{'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}]}
2022-06-11 12:49:29,059 Thread-115 udi_interface DEBUG wtServer:l_debug: wtServer:post: ret={'st': True, 'result': [{'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}]}
2022-06-11 12:49:29,060 Thread-115 udi_interface DEBUG Controller:_discover: TagManager={'__type': 'MyTagList.ethAccount+TagManagerEntry', 'users': None, 'name': 'Kulaga Home', 'mac': '25GH3687NMYU', 'linkedToMac': '', 'notifyOfflineEmail': '', 'allowMore': False, 'selected': True, 'notifyOffline': True, 'notifyOfflinePush': True, 'online': True, 'wirelessConfig': {'dataRate': 35, 'activeInterval': 28, 'Freq': 3617, 'useCRC16': False, 'useCRC32': False, 'psid': 7}, 'radioId': '82.108', 'rev': 7, 'dbid': 1, 'tzo': 300, 'wsRoot': 'https://www.mytaglist.com/', 'mStaticMAC': '25GH3687NMYU'}
2022-06-11 12:49:29,061 Thread-115 udi_interface INFO Controller:get_node: adress=25gh3687nmyu
2022-06-11 12:49:29,062 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Exception in thread
2022-06-11 12:49:29,062 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Thread-115
2022-06-11 12:49:29,063 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: :
2022-06-11 12:49:29,064 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-06-11 12:49:29,065 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/threading.py", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
2022-06-11 12:49:29,069 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self.run()
2022-06-11 12:49:29,070 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/threading.py", line 870, in run
2022-06-11 12:49:29,074 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
2022-06-11 12:49:29,076 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/00:21:b9:02:38:91_14/nodes/Controller.py", line 288, in _discover
2022-06-11 12:49:29,078 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: node = self.add_node(TagManager(self, address, mgr['name'], mgr['mac'], mgr['online'], online=mgr['online'], do_discover=True))
2022-06-11 12:49:29,079 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: TypeError
2022-06-11 12:49:29,080 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: :
2022-06-11 12:49:29,081 Thread-115 udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'online'
2022-06-11 12:50:16,335 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll
2022-06-11 12:50:16,337 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll
2022-06-11 12:50:16,339 Thread-116 udi_interface DEBUG Controller:shortPoll: discover thread is done...
Only 1 node showing in node server:

It appears that your Wireless Tag node server has not found your wireless tags manager. Make sure you have the correct "oauth2_code" entered in the node server  Custom Configuration Parameter.


The "oauth2_code" is set as a Custom Configuration Parameter in the node server Configuration Tab. I've actually revoked and recreated it a couple of time over the last couple days trying to get this to work. It is getting a successful connection the mytaglist API, I've changed the name of my tag manager and it is changing in the logs of PG3. 

Was named,

'name': 'Kulaga Home'

went into the mytaglist website and change the name of the tag manager to "Home" and restarted node server

'name': 'Home'


So, this is the last node server I had get transferred from PG2 to PG3, couple months ago I deleted the last few node servers from PG2 and have been trying to get them started back up on PG3 as time allowed.

I had an idea to try and see if the wireless tag manager would work on PG2 and I was able to get it pull data and all my sensor did populate in the admin console. 





Deleted from PG2 and tried once more to get PG3 to work and it is producing the same errors.



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