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WeatherBit "RainToday" question


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Is the forecast0->rain today adjusted/updated through-out the day?  If I capture it just before midnight will I get the rain fall for today? Or do i need to capture the rain rate thorough-out the day and calculate total precipitation?

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5 hours ago, ronbo said:

It Looks to me like it is updated and should reflect total rain today, assuming that precip from API is what feeds RainToday.

Can you confirm this? Also does the EVT take into account the RainToday?  I am trying to use these to calculate watering requirements.

Thank You


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I don't have any additional information beyond what's in the API docs.  The node server simply calls the API and reports the values returned to the ISY.

ETo isn't based on precipitation. It's a calculation of how much water evaporates from the soil. 

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