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Using programs with google assistant routines

Go to solution Solved by MrBill,

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Hi, I have a program that closes my garage door.  As part of the IF in the program, it checks to see if the door is actually opened and does not  nothing if so.

I created a google home device that is of the program isy category and a scene google home category on my.isy.io.

I then created a google home routine that takes "close garage door" spoken words and activates the closegaragedoor scene. Even if the door is closed, it opens the door.   It appears that it just jumps to the then without processing the if.

Is there a way to get google home to run a program that looks at the if?



Edited by PGordash
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From the wiki documentation for Google Home:

For Programs:

  • Turn On: “Ok Google, turn on the kitchen light” - runs Then
  • Turn Off: “Ok Google, turn off the kitchen light” - runs Else

However, if you wish to test a condition just link to another program.

For example make the Then body that google home Runs simply be a single line:

AAAADelete - [ID 0135][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Run Program 'BarnOHD' (If)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

You'll actually need to create the second program first, so that it can be included in the Then. 

Also the second program can be disabled, so that it won't run from any condition in it's IF statement.  Disabled programs still run when run by another program.



Edited by MrBill
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