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Blue Iris Trigger Stopped Working


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This program stopped working.  I think it started after I had some issues with PG3 nodes not connecting.  I uninstalled and reinstalled blue iris node which fixed the failure to connect problem.  But then this program stopped working:


Driveway Entry Trigger - [ID 00AA][Parent 0172][Not Enabled]

        'Blue Iris / Front Entry' Triggered is True
        Run Program 'Driveway Entry' (Then Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

On the AC, the camera "triggered" field would change from 0 to 1 when the camera triggered, but the program would not run.  I changed the if to "is not true", saved it, then changed it back and saved it, and now it works.  In short, not sure how this mapping works, but I thought if you put the same node in the same slot, it would be like it never left.  It appears that there are some issues with that.

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