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Elk Installation question


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lol - with the way I weld with my TIG I wish I still had my MIG. I can't lay down a good weld to save my life. I'm going to try and get one of the instructors at the local community college to give me some lessons in his spare time. So far all I've managed to do is blow through 3 or 4 cylinders of argon and ruin a hundred or more dollars worth of stainless.


Thanks for all the help with the Elk stuff! I've sent the two layouts to the techsupport guys at Elk - I'm keen to hear what they have to say and I'll be sure to post it back.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Quick update: I received the GE version of this sensor and installation was a breeze. It's nice to have a relatively tiny, inexpensive sensor. They also have user-replaceable coin cell batteries that should last about 5 years.


I'll likely be using these in the future as I expand my system.


Hey, Brad,


Are you still liking that Ion sensor?


I need the following wireless sensors

1 garage door sensor

4 recessed sliding window

6 recessed door

1 surface mount


I was looking at the ion and at the ge nx458. The thing with the nx458 is it has to be returned to GE for batt replacement - that would suck with a dozen of 'em kicking around.


The ion looks like it would be perfect. I'm a little nervous drilling into the window frames as mine are all vinyl sliders so they have that hollow airspace inside of them - I'm afraid the sensor will wobble around.


Are you using the plunger style or the magnetic? I'm a little leary of the mechanical plunger as well.



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Well, I just had a false alarm due to a misfire on my NX458, so my opinion is a bit sour on those at the moment.


I have been pleased with the two iON's I have so far. I have a plunger on one of my doors and a magnetic on a window. Both are micros. It's also worth noting that the plunger is a magnetic reed switch as well. The back of the plunger has the magnet in it. Both sensors may very well use the same magnetic switch.


Installation on the iON switches was much easier. The NX458 needs a nearly 4" hole bored into the door jamb or window. This is sure to go through your vinyl frame. The micros, however don't require you to go all the way through the frame.

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I have no idea. The instructions indicate that it sends a "tamper" message upon inserting the battery, but I haven't had a use for it. Simply entering the sensor ID into Elk RP is enough to enroll it.

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