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Isy elk and Homeseer plugins


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Can you Run the elk isy package with homeseer isy plugin and the elkm1 3rd party plugin at the same time. Need better control for things like control of my sonos system and my home theater plus the isy interface within elk is a problem as my descriptions are long so they ar ehard to know what is what..






Can you Run the elk isy package with homeseer isy plugin and the elkm1 3rd party plugin at the same time. Need better control for things like control of my sonos system and my home theater plus the isy interface within elk is a problem as my descriptions are long so they ar ehard to know what is what..





The ISY plug-in and the Elk plug-in should be completely independent on HomeSeer.


The ISY Plug-in will get status from the ELK via the ISY and the status changes can be used as HomeSeer triggers. That's really all the interaction the ISY Plug-in has with the ELK. But I don't think this is really what you're asking.


I think you're asking if both the ISY and the HomeSeer elkm1 plug-in can communicate with the ELK at the same time. I don't see any restrictions on multiple clients connecting to the ELK ethernet interface in the ELK documentation. It shouldn't be too hard to test. I'll try to do a simple test later tonight and let you know.


Hi Bob


I have the ISY plugin (great stuff) but The M1 plugin seems to hang with the ISY box connected to the M1 I think it may be both jaming up the works trying to stay connected and not allowing the other in but just as a fyi when it does hang your plugin seems to have trouble getting the port i have to stop it then resume to clear the problem......Wish I did not have to use the homeseer plugin for the M1 but so goes it...One more time great work really opened the door....






Hi Robert,


I don't have the HomeSeer Elk plug-in so I can't really duplicate this. I did try an experiment with the ISY connected to the ELK, and also a telnet session to the ELK while my plug-in was running. That didn't seem to cause any problems. But the telnet session was just receiving status from the ELK, it wasn't trying to control it.


You're probably right in that with two things trying to control the ELK, it may be causing the problem. If the HS plug-in is hanging, there's a good chance it may be causing similar problems with the ISY, which would show up as the ISY Plug-in (or even the admin console) having problems communicating with the ISY.


I'll contact ELK and see if they have any insight.


Thanks Bob Big help I am sure you know you can install the elk plugin from the installer for a 30day trial as i am.........






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