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What is the difference between...?

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What is the difference between :

(1) Restart IOP in Admin Console configuration


(2) Reboot iSY iin PG 3 -System  ?

For the 3rd time I had my Zwave dongle not responding (*) and, again, it took me more than 5 IOP restarts to get the system working again.

(*)  When that happens, in my Portal account the ISY shows as not connected, while it does show connected in PG3..

Edited by asbril
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@asbrilYou may or may not have a problem similar to mine but......You still may want to ensure that your 700 dongle is backed-up via the Silicon Labs tool. My system was having trouble starting. The NS would all work but programs wouldn't work. Restarting and playing with the NS would somehow result in things working. Mitchel had correctly suspected that some NS or device was not responding.

Eventually, the 700 stopped responding. I finally needed to do a factory reset on the dongle via the Silicon Labs tool. Now I need to carefully include-back all of my Z-wave devices being very careful to include them in the exact order that IOP originally had them. I am now about 50% done with this. With over 40 devices, I am kicking myself for not having a good backup of the dongle.

Good Luck!!

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13 hours ago, asbril said:

What is the difference between :

(1) Restart IOP in Admin Console configuration


(2) Reboot iSY iin PG 3 -System  ?

There should be no difference assuming it works from PG3.  I don't think I've ever tried it.  That function was there when I took over development of PG3 and I've never looked at it.

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Hi @asbril. I went here:  https://www.silabs.com/developers/simplicity-studio , created an account, and then downloaded Simplicity Studio. It takes awhile for the full package to install. Once you start Simplicity Studio, you will see a Tools button. Click on that for the Tools Menu. Click on Z-Wave PC controller from the Tools Menu. Once the tool is open, click on the "gear" icon and select the port that your PC has found for your plugged-in dongle.

Click okay and then click Network Management on the tool's main page and you will see data related to your system. From there, you can fine a Backup / Restore button as well as a Reset Button (Be careful, this clears everything). 

You can also send basic on/off commands to your devices from here.

Z-Wave Controller Tool.jpg

Tools Menu.jpg

Simplicity Studio Main Page.jpg

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