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First Alert Smoke and CO2 Alarm--What does each node mean?


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I was able to connect add this alarm to ISY, but I'm not completely sure what each node does. The manual says nothing. Although it may seem self-explanatory,  I want to assure that I correctly set up a notification for smoke, CO2 and maybe low battery. 

Many thanks. 



The nodes are as follows:

Notify Sensor (which shows the battery level)

Smoke Alarm 1 (reads idle)

Smoke Detected 1 (reads off)

Smoke Alarm Test 1 (reads off)

CO Alarm 1 (reads idle)

System Alarm 1 (reads idle)

Hardware Failure Alarm 1 (reads off)



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Are you using the Insteon Smoke Bridge?

The only nodes that really matter are SMOKE DETECTED, CO2 ALARM and LOW BATTERY.

I have the Insteon smoke bridge (2982-222), and my nodes are a little different than what you've posted, but basically the same.

I'm not sure that the ISY would respond to the nodes other than the ones I've mentioned.


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The ISY doesn't always recognize all the Zwave nodes from a device. What series Zwave dongle do you have?

I wouldn't worry about the other nodes.

What's the make and model of your smoke detractor as Iwas thinking of moving over to Zwave detectors.

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