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unknown keys....dead sensors...


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2022-11-25 22:16:29,486 Thread-1   udi_interface      INFO     station:CreateNodes: Whitehouse
2022-11-25 22:16:29,486 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: dateutc
2022-11-25 22:16:29,488 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: eventrainin
2022-11-25 22:16:29,489 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_day
2022-11-25 22:16:29,489 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_time
2022-11-25 22:16:29,490 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: soilhum1
2022-11-25 22:16:29,491 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: soilhum2
2022-11-25 22:16:29,492 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lastRain
2022-11-25 22:16:29,493 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_hour
2022-11-25 22:16:29,494 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: tz
2022-11-25 22:16:29,495 Thread-1   udi_interface      WARNING  station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: date

mainly curious into the soil moisture and rain keys....lightning would be nice too...

also my first 2 addon sensors show in admin console but never update. 3 and 4 work and update.

logs show they are, but they are dead in console.

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I'll make a node of the new fields. Ambient seems to constantly add new fields.

If the node server is reporting the data, then the problem is the admin console. Have you restarted the admin console?

You can also try re-sending the profile files with the upload profile button in PG3 (and then restarting the admin console).

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I tried restarting console, even cleared cache and re-downloaded IoX...

I sent profiles also...still no go...

so main works, indoor works, sensor one shows but no data in console, sensor two is same, sensor 3 and 4 both show data and work as expected.


Also.. every battery shows low, I just replaced every battery in this system last week... they are all good...

Im running a WS-2000 system

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About the battery state. Ambient's reporting of batter state is all screwed up. Some sensors send 1 to indicate low batter and some sensors send 0 to indicate low battery.   When I wrote the node server I didn't have multiple sensors and didn't realize this was the case. I assumed all would report battery state the same way and that's how the node server is written.  Someday I may try to fix this in the node server but for now, it's a known issue.

If the nodes are being created, that implies that the node server is seeing data from those sensors and recognizes that data. 

If it's sending that data to the ISY, then the node server is working properly.   Node servers have no interaction with the admin console, that's all on the ISY.

If you provide a debug log for the node server, including a restart of the node server, I can verify the assumptions in the statements above.  Otherwise, from what you've said, the node server is working properly.

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from what i can see in the log..you are correct in your assumptions. It is indeed seeing the sensors, its recognizing the data, and it is sending it to ISY. just not sure why the ISY is not replicating the data as it does for sensor 3 and 4...


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strange deal....I physically moved the sensors from position 1 and 2 and placed them on 5 and six and they work now.

im still showing a ghost 1 and 2 and expect to for a while until data is exhausted.

just wanted to let you know.

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That's pretty strange.  I didn't know you could move sensors to get them to report differently.  I don't have an Ambient Weather system so have relied on getting access to other's data to develop the node server.  My opinion of Ambient Weather's API is not very good. It seems to have been very haphazardly developed.  So I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was sending something that caused the node server issues.

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ok.. I updated the firmware on my WS-2000...that fixed the lightning battery, but all others are still showing low.

just fyi so you aren't chasing ghosts...

I will move a sensor back to the 1 or 2 position and see if firmware also fixed that issue.

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moved sensors around all over in combinations and still cannot get position 1 and 2 to report...it shows good data in logs, just not in CP. no biggie....

would rather have the rain and soil moisture and lightning working.. 


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  • 6 months later...

I'm troubleshooting a new WS-5000 and had a similar problem described here.  I have a theory on what the problem is that may help resolve this issue in future updates.  I'm not a python programmer so forgive me if I butcher the lingo.  The WS-5000 (and presumably the WS-2000) adds sensors within different categories (T&H, soil moisture, etc.)  In my case I have two T&H external sensors and one soil moisture sensor.  The T&H sensors can be programmed to a channel, but the soil moisture sensors automatically get assigned a channel in the order they are detected by the panel.  (See the attached screen shot of my Ambient panel).  So my initial setup had T&H assigned to channel 1, T&H assigned to channel 2, and Soil Moisture assigned to channel 1 (in the soil moisture series of channels).  The Ambient Polyglot recognized a node called "one" and it appeared in the Admin Console but it was dead... there was no data showing.  When I moved the sensor on T&H channel 1 to T&H channel 3, I got data on all three of my sensors, similar to what EWhite reported.  So it seems what is happening is the Ambient Polyglot is seeing two sensors on "channel 1" and getting confused at the Admin Console interface.  I see from EWhite's log he has two soil moisture sensors.  They will automatically get assigned to Soil Moisture channels 1 and 2.  So if you have T&H sensors also assigned to T&H channels 1 and 2, then the Ambient Polyglot is seeing two channel 1's and two channel 2's and seems to be confused. 



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@JKlinefelter That makes sense but I'm not sure how the node server can detect that from the incoming data.

The incoming data has field names suffixed with 1, 2, 3, etc.  The channel number I guess.  So the node server lumps everything with a suffix of '1' under a single node.  There's no indication in the data that it may be multiple sensors or a single sensor. 

The IoX considers it illegal to have two node values of the same type.  So what's happening is that when there are 2 sensors with a suffix of '1', they both may be reporting battery status, but since the node can only have one battery status it the node server creates an illegal node definition and the IoX rejects it.

Because there can be so many different combinations of stations/sensors and Ambient doesn't send anything but a list of field names/values, the node server has no way to know what sensors/values are going to be reported ahead of time, it has to process that in real-time and dynamically create nodes based on what it sees. 

I don't really have any ideas for a better way to handle this. It seems like trying to do any type of user configuration would be a real challenge given the limitations of the PG3 configuration screen.   The right solution would be for Ambient to re-design their data structure format to provide the info needed actually parse it.  

I can try and improve the parsing logic in the node server, but it is already quite complex because the field naming conventions aren't all that consistent. Anything I do will end up making assumptions that may or may not hold in the future and may simply result in dropping data if it thinks it will create illegal nodes.

Since I don't have any Ambient equipment and I haven't seen it documented anywhere, I had no idea the suffix numbers represented channels.

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Makes sense. I guess for now it can at least be managed on the user end by making sure you don’t have any duplicated channels. e.g. you can’t have a sensor on T&H#1 and a sensor on SM#1.  If you have more than 8 sensors you will be out of luck but I can’t imagine many setups do. 
As for my setup, I only have four external sensors so if I can just get the IoX to recognize the soil moisture key soilhum1, I should be good for my intended application. See my separate post on missing keys. 

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