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Zooz Zen 31 Programming


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I've just started playing with a couple of these. When installed in the ISY it creates about 24 devices, but I'm only interested in the Dimmer Switch devices numbered .2 - .5. To make all this a bit more organized I created a folder and stuffed all the devices into them.

These can be programmed as independent dimmers for 12-24V up to 6A load max per channel, 10A total load on all together. For driving LED's that's a fair bit.

The output terminals are labeled R, G, B, W with R Dimmer #.2, G Dimmer #.3, etc. I was able to control my particular led strip light down to 1.5 percent

To set parameters use the first device "Multilevel Switch". I set parameter 152, the hub controlled ramp rate. This seems a bit wonky, the set button keeps pulsing for a long time but it seems to work OK in the end.

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I’ve been using three of these for over a year now. Seem reliable. Been using for accent rgbw strips. Have programs to change for different seasons. (Christmas, Easter, Canada day, USA day, etc). Mostly use the white. Found timing of colour change to on/off can matter. Number of programs and outputs really grows as you add a few of these. As I say once through the growing pains they are very reliable. 

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