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ZSE42 Clear Leak Detected Alarm


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I've been using the ZSE42 Water Detected 1 node to trigger a program and it goes on and off as expected. However, the Water Alarm 1 and Leak Detected Alarm nodes continue to stay on. I'm not using those nodes, so it isn't really an issue, but I'm wondering if that's normal and is there a way to reset their states? I haven't found anything in the manual and ZooZ doesn't tend to support their devices on the ISY controller.

I'm using IoX on Polisy, version 5.5.2.

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2 hours ago, Steve L said:

Even though Zooz doesn't support ISY, I have had success communicating with their support staff. I have three of the ZSE42, but have not seen the issue you raise (and they have triggered in the past.)

Hi. What ISY and version are you using. 

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