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PG3 version 3.1.19 (Polisy) - OUTDATED


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Hello all,

We are very happy to introduce PG3 v3.1.19 with bug fixes and new features, see changelog below.

To upgrade PG3:

In the Admin Console, click on Configuration, Upgrade Packages (note, this can take many minutes, depending on how long it's been since you last updated.). 
After the upgrade is complete you will need to restart PG3. From PG3 select System-> Restart Polyglot 3.
Once PG3 has restarted, reload /refresh the browser page.

Changelog for 3.1.19

 - Force python udi_interface update to get version that fixes missing version on node server.

Changelog for 3.1.18 

 -  Add a rating system for node servers.  Users may rate node servers they have purchased from the Purchases page.  
 -  Display node server average rating on node server Info page.
 -  Remove "Log Out Of Portal" buttons. Too many things won't work if logged out of the portal.
 -  Add a button to the node server info page that links to the node server software license.
 -  Don't assume that output on stderr means the node server has crashed.
 -  Add support for developers to add/edit devd configuration information for node servers
 -  Update oauth2 via cloudlink support.
 -  Verification of the node server user config on IoX was wrong resulting in excess node server configuration updates.
 -  Developers can now specify which controllers a node server works on (Polisy and/or eisy). By default, it's both.
 -  Add local store backup/restore feature fro node server developers.

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