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Weird Scene problem


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I thought I finally had my system completely error free when I ran into this problem.


To be fair, I have to give some backround. I am currently running two switchlincs for my theater scenes so it is very basic. One of the devices is a standard Switchlinc dimmer, the other is a 1000w Switchlinc dimmer. The 1000w dimmer controls 1000w total so it is at max wattage. I have the two Switchlincs mounted in a 3 gang box with a blank plate in the middle to get a little more heat dissipation.


Last night, none of my theater Scenes would run so I started trouble shooting. I trigger the Scenes with my URC remote's ir blaster. The ISY is getting the command because the front lights show activity. Then I checked the Scene programming in the Admin console and found the 1000w Switchlinc set to 9m ramp rate on all of the Scenes. When I tried to change it to a different rate, I got an error message, "Request Failed".


The device works fine locally (at the switch) and uses the specified ramp rate that I programmed initially but all of the Scenes have the same ramp rate (9m) and can't be changed and won't run.


I fear that I've overheated the Switchlinc even though I was very careful to ventilate the switch and not exceed its rating.



Any thoughts?

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A couple of minor thoughts:


First, I would not rely on activity of ISY front lights. I would definitely confirm by opening event viewer then trigger the scene. The event viewer should show reciept of expected signal. (Are you using X-10 here?)


Second, I have generally treated "request failed" messages as communication errors. While I don't doubt failed devices can happen, I wonder if something is happening here with your comm. Are these switches on their own circuit? Is your theater A/V equipment filtered?


Perhaps there are a couple of quick things to do in an attempt to determine switch failure. I think I would perform a factory reset on the switches, then attempting a restore. I might also try a manual link between another insteon device to see if there are further indications of a failed device.

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Actually, it now gets a little more confusing. I decided to delete and then re-add the Scenes (and of course I had to update the programs) and everything works again! Maybe the switch overheating caused a corruption of its internal memory? Last night, I tried to Restore the device but that didn't work but re-writing the Scenes did.


Very strange indeed!

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I do not like intermittent problems. My general instinct is that heat related failures would tend to be catastrophic. The fact that your problem appears to be intermittent makes me continue to suspect communication issues.


Hopefully, it will stay working this time.

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It took over 6 hours in the attic but now I have the 1000w load split into 3 circuits controlled with 3 Switchlinc dimmers. So far, there haven't been any more issues. When I removed the 1000w dimmer (before I changed the wiring), it was so hot, I couldn't hold it in my hand! I had it mounted in a 3 gang box on one end with a blank in the middle. I know I was running max wattage but I don't think it should get that hot!!


Now that I've reduced the load of the Switchlinc to about 300w each, they don't get too hot. And I can do all sorts of interesting lighting Scenes that impressed even my wife (who isn't in to all this sort of thing)!!

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