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Insteon 220V Switch


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I tried to install this weekend a 220V Insteon Pool Pump switch

http://www.smarthome.com/2494S220/Switc ... ure/p.aspx


which is currently controlled by an X10 220V switch (my last X10 device!), but it appears I did not have a neutral. The switch is controlled by a GFI in the panel, and no matter what combination I would try the GFI kept tripping:


1) Tried no neutral

2) Tried Neutral to GND with no GND lead

3) Tried Neutral to GND with the GND lead also grounded


and while understanding these may not work


4) Tired running the neutral to what I though was another neutral further up-line


I know that pictures are needed and this is sketchy, but any thoughts would be appreciate (I reinstalled the X10 switch and everything works well enough again, so may just have to keep it this way)





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I don't have one of those 220 volt switches, but it looks like a 120 Volt SwitchLinc Relay combined with a power relay who's coil is 120 volts and switches both live wires. Thus the Neutral power wire is needed.

I bet your old one was maybe a X10Pro XPS2 [i don't have the X10 part number at hand] and since it drew current on both lines. The GFI never saw enough current imbalance to trip.


#4 Two thoughs. The neutral you picked was on for a different branch and the GFI detected it as a leakage condition between branches.

The other thought is the 120 volt SwitchLinc was causing the Lines to not be balanced as only one powers the Switchlinc and again it tripped.


I hope someone has a few thought for you on this.

Maybe someone that got a Simplehomenet EZSwitch30 to work as it also uses one line and neutral for power while switching both hot lines.

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