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Lost everything after upgrade from 4.9 to 5.0.16C

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Hello community,

I can't believe I tried to upgrade something that was working for so long just to connect an app, but I did that and the result was tragic.

After update following the instructions with care I noticed the Zwave devices were not working. The Zwave 300 series which I have here used to report the firmware 4.55 and some version of the bootloader, however the bootloader start to show 0.00. 

I then tried to remove and add back my Schlage Lock and it almost worked showing the lock status but not the buttons to Lock and Unlock.

So I had the brilliant idea to reset the Zwave dongle and redo the Zwave network, so I removed some devices and did the factory reset.

After factory reset I noticed the Dongle were no longer responsive and I tried to restore the 4.9 backup which gaves me the Socket timeout error after show the error "Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)".

Doing the basis, research and try on my own to resolve the issue I found people stating it's probably an SD error, so I swapped to a new one and tried to restore, but keeps showing the error and what's most strange is that it's not happening on the same file. I mean, when you start the restore procedure you can see which file is being copied and it randomly stops in different stages, sometimes when copying a XML, sometimes other files...

I already checked my firewall is off, my network isn't dropping any package even tried to direct connect to the ISY without using my LAN.

Is there any way to extract the backup content directly to the SD card?

I also noticed I can't use Putty to connect to the ISY, the port 126 is unresponsive.

Thanks for some help

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4 hours ago, sandryseibert said:

After update following the instructions with care I noticed the Zwave devices were not working. The Zwave 300 series which I have here used to report the firmware 4.55 and some version of the bootloader, however the bootloader start to show 0.00. 

You should probably open a ticket.  the 300 board should still be reporting version 4.55.00 after upgrade. 


4 hours ago, sandryseibert said:

SD error, so I swapped to a new one and tried to restore,

After swapping the card, you need to log into the admin console and Help > Manually upgreade and load a full firmware file.   that's be the case after factory reset as well.  The bootloader's copy of whatever firmware it put in place isn't a complete copy.

4 hours ago, sandryseibert said:

Is there any way to extract the backup content directly to the SD card?


4 hours ago, sandryseibert said:

I also noticed I can't use Putty to connect to the ISY, the port 126 is unresponsive.

Putty can be used to TELNET to ISY994 on port 22 23, 994's don't know how to SSH on port 22 (the protocol isn't built into the hardware), not sure where you got the idea to try port 126....

Edited by MrBill
fixed port number
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Thanks for the response @MrBill..

I opened a ticket and Michael fast answered and fixed my backup. He found a huge Windows directory which was probably part of my efforts in the past to have a dashboard on ISY. I think I create a topic here many years ago talking about the process and I left it running even after move to Grafana/InfluxDB, so I think I was guilty.

I couldn't login using the port 22 or 126.. I don't have telnet, but should open using Putty anyway..

Well, the only think I can say for now is thank you and special thanks to Michael for supporting me. I'm definitely decided to move to eisy as soon as I have change to travel to US again because here in Brazil we don't have ways to bring this device through standard carriers.


Sandry Seibert

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18 minutes ago, sandryseibert said:

I couldn't login using the port 22 or 126.. I don't have telnet, but should open using Putty anyway..

Telnet protocol uses port 23, I named the wrong port above, sorry.  Select Telenet for Connection Type and the port will aoutomatically be set to 23, don't change it.   The the IP address in the "Host Name (or IP address blank)" then hit the Open button.   (The IP address should be naked.. the IP only, don't type http:// or anything before it)


the credentials being asked for next are the same as used for the admin console.  After that you should see:


Scroll back up a few lines to see the top of the menu....


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