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Pool Level Monitor Program

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Hoping someone has already done this. I'm adding a pool level (float) switch to eisy via 2843.222 Open/Close Sensor (hardwired to sensor).

Need a program that will check to see if the sensor is on for 30 seconds, then send message and turn off pump.  Need the 30 second "delay" so waves don't trigger it. If the sensor turns off within the 30 second delay, it was just waves, so no message, no pump-off.

I think I need one or two variables, but can't figure out how to write the program(s)...

Any help appreciated...

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you actually only need a wait in the program.  The program re-triggers every time the status of the switch bounces.


       OpenClose sensor status is On
       wait 30 seconds
       Turn off pump
        wait 10 seconds
        Turn off pump

If the pump is controlled by Insteon I'd turn it off twice 10 seconds apart just to make sure it turned off.

The above program works for your use case because if the door sensor changes status (to off) during the first Wait the program will stop running, and when it switches back to on, it will start over.



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  • 4 months later...

I have been meaning to monitor my pool level for a good while.  Most of the solutions I came up with nvolved a lot of equipment and programming beyond the time I wanted to spend the time and money on.  I ended up with a somewhat costly, but still relatively simple solution.  The simple and low cost part was to use Z-Wave leak sensors.  I added automated valves which added to the cost, but was still simple.  

I live on the coast near Houston, Texas.  We get a lot of rain and normally the only problem we have is too high a pool water level due to rain.  This summer has been brutally hot and I am having to constantly add water.  I added water last weekend,  Thursday, my wife called and said the pool pump was making a strange noise.  It turned out it was sucking air due to a low water level.  I decided it was time to do something.

i had recently purchased (2) Aeotec leak detectors as spares on Amazon prime day. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BYFPP6HM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

i mounted them to a skimmer cover.  One probe is mounted to a low  level.  If it is off (no leak detected),  a program sends a text saying “the pool level is low” and opens a valve using a Zooz actuator  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09G82YM3B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1   to add water to the pool.  

The valve adds water for a time period, then closes.

The other is mounted high.  If it is on (leak detected), a program sends a text message “high water level”, drain some water from the pool.”  A valve mounted on the pump discharge is opened via a second ball valve with a  Zooz actuator for a time period to drain water from the pool.  This protects the leak detectors bodies from getting flooded.

My wife said I went overboard.  I could have just used the leak detectors and avoided the cost of the Zooz actuators.  My comeback, was that I had ordered the leak sensors and and Zooz actuators on Amazon prime days as spares and knew that some day I would need them.   I have ordered a second set of sensors to mount in a second skimmer, then modify my programs to only take actions if both show a high or low level in case the leak sensors malfunction.

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@RRoyceusthere's no such thing as going overboard when it comes to home automation 😆. I was trying to fix the issue of the pool overflowing when we get a torrential rain. I had the sprinkler guys install a valve connected to the pool line so it could drain the pool. I have Rachio smart sprinklers so I can automate it, so right now if we get a torrential rain, I can just trigger it to open with my phone for 10 min and drain the excess water. I was working on how I can automate when it needs to be drained (I like your idea - would you mind posting pics?), when my pool guy advised against having this setup. He said if the valve failed, like if we had a big freeze, or just generally speaking, then our entire pool would drain. So now I've been considering taking it out. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Edited by gregkinney
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