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Program that activates devices and sets Keypad LEDs is misbehaving need advice


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I have a program that can be triggered by the pressing of a keypad button OR a few other methods (timer, X10, Alexa command, etc)

However, when I activate it from the Keypad I get an unexpected on and then off behaviour.  Otherwise it behaves as planned.

Now one of the steps in the program is to set the LED for that keypad button on (to ensure the LED is on when other triggers are used.  I assume turning the LED on does not trigger another keypad  "on" event that triggers the same program again or something to that effect.

That program calls 2 other programs as well, each of which turn on the respective Keypad LEDs.

Any ideas on what might be going wrong with such a program.



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to post programs please RIGHT CLICK the program name in the Admin console Programs tree, choose the bottom item-- copy to clipboard.  then Paste into a forum message.   This is much easier to read and work with than screenshots.

Are you saying the button is changed to non-toggle mode?  (in non-toggle mode it will only send On or Off, whichever it's programed for, and each time the button is pushed it's repeating the same command.  Toggle mode (which is default) alternates on, off, on, off, on, etc...).

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