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Looking for a clean bit of Insteon polling code


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Posted (edited)

@mango I've exactly what you asked to monitor the downstream side of a GFCI.

The program that actually sends the notification is very simple:

MBR Bath Pipe Heat.notifyNotResponding - [ID 01D7][Parent 01D5]

        'MBR Bath Pipe Heat#' Responding is False
        Resource 'NotificationNS.BathroomPipeHeatNotResponding'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Then to test the module downstream of the  GFCI, I originally used something like, Run at startup,

    Repeat every 15 minutes
         Set 'MBR Bath Pipe Heat#' Query

and later changed it to something more complex that didn't query every 15 minutes, but would still notify at least once a day, but more often when it was cold out.  Either way this is a case where you need 2 programs, one to actually send a notification, and the other to do the actual queries.

The way it works is as soon as Query fails then the downstream module becomes False for 'responding'.



Edited by MrBill
to clarify 2 programs are needed.
  • Thanks 1
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