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OAuth Authenticate Not taking me to the auth_endpoint

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For some reason when I click on Authenticate in PG3x it directs me to the wrong url.  Instead of the auth_endpoint set in my OAuth Config, it send me to a URL that looks like the following.  The Polyglot IP just being the ip I use for my eisy.

https://<polyglot ip>:3000/undefined?response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://my.isy.io/api/cloudlink/redirect&client_id=undefined&state=64872c3813d796ee4f2888ac

Here is my OAuth set in Node Server Management.  I've also added the "oauth": true to the server.json  file.

  "name": "eWeLink",
  "client_id": "879120348723984723987",
  "client_secret": "917349823748343873",
  "auth_endpoint": "https://c2ccdn.coolkit.cc/oauth/index.html",
  "token_endpoint": "https://us-apia.coolkit.cc/v2/user/oauth/token",
  "cloudlink": true




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