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Node Server Fails


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I have noticed that if there is a short internet outage, YoLink disconnects but fails to automatically reconnect when the internet returns


I disconnected the incoming internet cable from the modem then reconnected it after a minute of 2. I did not disconnect the cable from my eisy. The eisy was still connected to the internal LAN. I can try again later and send you the log file


Here is the log file. It seems to take an outage of a few minutes to trigger the fail. A short outage of say 15 to 20 seconds appears to be survivable but I did not time it

Maybe just some background on this for interest sake...

I( have a number of Zwave leak sensors connected to a Zwave shutoff valve but find working with Zwave wireless sensors to be quite frustrating especially trying to get them to reliably report battery level. I set up a number of YoLink leak sensors in place of the Zwave ones. The Yolink sensors are much easier to work with and the always report status, battery level etc. Knowing that they normallyYoLink_6-21-2023_11016_PM.zipYoLink_6-21-2023_11016_PM.zip require internet access to Yolink's cloud servers to report, I decided to direct connect them to a Yolink relay that I could check the status of even if the Yolink cloud was down. I can check the relay status using either an insteon device or a zone in my alarm panel. In order to test if  the direct connect to the relay worked, I disconnected the internet in order to simulate the loss of the YoLink cloud server and that when I discovered all of my node servers failed not just YoLink


The log file contains the same errors here as in the EnvisaLink-DSC log file you posted earlier. Again, this appears to be a PG3/PG3x issue. I suggest you post a message with the log file(s) in the PG3 or PG3x support forum regarding this issue.


I already did that and this is what the response was

On 6/19/2023 at 1:51 PM, bpwwer said:

PG3x doesn't know the internet connection was off-line so it can't detect that situation.   It doesn't know why the nodes servers failed, just that they have.

The problem is with specific node servers.  Some don't handle the internet disconnect well others do. 


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