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Just getting around to installing Rachio on Eisy. Not working.


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Need some help on this one.  Installed from PG3 store.  In config, I put:

  1. Poll short left at 5
  2. Poll Long left at 60
  3. API key from Rachio site.
  4. My DDNS address
  5. port left as 3001
  6. Left Node additional Interval blank

In my Ubiquiti edgerouter:

  1. Port Forwarding Page
  2. Original Port: 3001
  3. Protocol: Tried all three, UDP, and TCP. Which one?
  4. Forward to address: IP of Eisy/ PG3.  It is the same for both.
  5. Forward to port: Tried 3001. Tried PG3 port.  Is it the port number I put in Rachio config or Port number of PG3?

With all that, I did not reboot PG3/ Eisy.  Wanted to validate config first here.

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  • 4 months later...

sorry for the intrusion.


Is the host supposed to be the DDNS for my modem or the IP address of my Rachio?

And I should be port forwarding 3001 pointing to the IP address of my Rachio?

Trying to fix my set up and configuration.  I am not getting any data coming into my admin console!  Thanks

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sorry, could you please explain that in less technical terms?

1.  I have the API key from Rachio

2..for Host, I have the external WAN IP for my modem.  from www.whatismyip.com  Correct??

3.  3001  And in my router, I port forwarded 3001 to the IP address for my Rachio.  Correct?

I get my sprinkler zones listed in my admin console but no data shows up.


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2.  Assuming your IP will never change (i.e. static IP; typically consumer/home ISP connections are DHCP meaning they will change) yes.  In the event it changes you would need to update that IP address; this is where dynamic dns services come into play (some are free some aren’t - YMMV).  This would allow you to input a FQDN (fully qualified domain name - i.e. mycustomnamehere.dyndns.com) and then you would have something running to keep that up to date with the latest and greatest IP address as it changes.  Some firewalls have the ability to keep them up to date as well so you can off load that task to your firewall if you don’t want to keep some piece of software running for that task.  And YES - point it at the internal IP address for the RACHIO device on your network.

3.  I have mine setup for both; if i had to guess it really only needs TCP but never really dug into it.

If I recall correctly I would get all my zones showing up as well and only see other data if I queried it; but it’s a while since I played with it….

Edited by atmarosi
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  • 2 weeks later...

For the record.  The forwarding of port 3001 should be to the IP address of the ISY/eISY and not of the Rachio.  Restart the Rachio node and voila, the Rachio data shows up in the Admin console.

  • OPTIONAL: Key: 'port' Value: External port (integer) for polyglot server. Note: This port must be opened through firewall and forwarded to the internal polyglot server. Defaults to '3001' if no entry given but opening port is not optional (required for Rachio websockets). or required or used for polyglot cloud.
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