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HoneywellHome NS not running on PG3x?

Go to solution Solved by Goose66,

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I upgraded my Polisy from PG3 to PG3x last night and everything migrated successfully (after an arbitrary number of reboots) and is running except HoneywellHome node server. The node server appears to be running with an increasing "Uptime," but the Current Status is "Disconnected." The log file is from yesterday and shows the node server running properly all day and the graceful shutdown last night when the upgrade was started. Stopping and re-starting the node server does not produce a new log file or change the Current Status from "Disconnected." Whenever I restart the node server, I get the following in the PG3(x) log file:

9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: startNs:: Starting HoneywellHome
9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: call_udx: Making request to socket with url /rest/pg3.start.ns
9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: startNs:: HoneywellHome starting polls
9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: Starting HoneywellHome Info timer 0
9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: startNs:: HoneywellHome updating database (enabled, timestarted)
9/29/2023, 05:56:31 [pg3] info: startNs:: HoneywellHome started.

There is nothing else in the PG3(x) indicating any problems with the HoneywellHome node server. The IoX Admin Console shows all blank entries.

Is there any known incompatibility of this node server with PG3x? Anybody else running HoneywellHome on PG3x?

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If the node server log file isn't being updated, then the node server is most likely not running. 

With PG3x, there's no quick/easy way to determine why since you don't have access to any output until it starts writing to the log file.   My first guess would be that it doesn't list all the modules that it really requires in the requirements.txt file and thus fails at the import stage.

What I would do is edit the rc.d file for that node server (/usr/local/etc/rc.d/<uuid>_<slot>) and add a -S to the command_args.  That tells it to write output to the /var/log/messages file when starting.  Then attempt to start the node server using sudo service <uuid_slot> onestart  and check the /var/log/messages file to see what's failing.

I believe that this is another of the node servers that I ported to PG3 for UDI.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/29/2023 at 1:23 PM, bpwwer said:

Then attempt to start the node server using sudo service <uuid_slot> onestart  and check the /var/log/messages file to see what's failing.

No messages in /var/log/messages. This is what I get when I try to start it:

[admin@polisy /var/log]$ sudo service 000db953da90_4 onestart
Starting NS000db953da90_4.                   
su: unknown login: 000db953da90_4 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/000db953da90_4: WARNING: failed to start NS000db953da90_4                                                                                                                                


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