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Are Micro-Brite CCFL bulbs bad for Insteon network?

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I had eight MicroBrite MB-800DP 8 watt CCFL bulbs in use.

5 where on ApplianceLincs and 3 on a SwitchLinc Relay; with no problems controlling them. My XTBM X10 meter shows very little noise coming from them. This meter can read noise up to .99 volts in the X10 [insteon isn't that far away] frequency range. Though there was no power line noise. They did radiate lots of RF noise right around both the X10 and Insteon Power Line Signal Frequency. I guess they could get noise into a modules electronics. In some rare setups.


I don't have any data on the larger wattage MicroBrites that are now being sold.


I do have a reliability problem with them. 5 died in less than a year. Would light when cold. As they warmed up would blink on and off and then when fully hot. Would run for the rest of the night. I had spares so the total in use is now 7. One place in the home just needed more light than the 8 watts could supply so it was replaced with a larger CFL.


Now you want to see a real noise maker. An EarthLED EvoluxS. 13 Watt LED bulb. Drives my XTBM over the max reading so I actually don't know how much noise it is spewing out.

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