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Is Agave dead and gone?


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Just upgraded to Eisy from a 994. The Eisy uses a different IP address and ports from how I had my 994 setup. When I attempted to  update the logon settings Agave crashed and won't restart. I was going to remove and reinstall but can't find Agave in the app store.

I've been slowly migrating to UD mobile, but there are some things Agave did better and easier. 

My wife is going to HATE UD mobile, because A, It's change and B,  It's more complicated :)

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I also really like Agave and use it all the time.  You didn't mention if you were in the Kingdom of Apple or the Empire of Google.

I just looked it up on the Google Play Store and it was there.  I tried to install it on one of my old, gronky Android phones. (An old Nexus 5 which, like every other old Nexus, crashes on just about everything.)  I use this phone as a dedicated Tempest Weather Display. There it only hangs every couple of days.

Agave installed OK but then STOPPED when I tried to run it.  I would probably blame my phone for this rather than Agave.

Don't know if this helps at all.



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1 hour ago, Ristin said:

Just upgraded to Eisy from a 994. The Eisy uses a different IP address and ports from how I had my 994 setup. When I attempted to  update the logon settings Agave crashed and won't restart. I was going to remove and reinstall but can't find Agave in the app store.

I've been slowly migrating to UD mobile, but there are some things Agave did better and easier. 

My wife is going to HATE UD mobile, because A, It's change and B,  It's more complicated :)

See very first post on this subforum

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FWIW, I managed to get my newly downloaded copy of Agave running on my old Android Nexus 5.  I got a few spurious "Agave has Stopped" messages when I first downloaded and tried to run it, but it seemed to be very much alive and let me go through the initial setup routine.  I then manually downloaded my isy-994 configuration to the phone from the Settings screen and all is well.

I once had a case where Agave kept crashing and I found that rebooting the phone fixed the issue.  It's been running solidly ever since.

Tried to load Agave on an old IPad and couldn't find it on the Apple App store.  (But I have no idea if it was ever in the Apple Store.)


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@Frank_YYZ Oops, Kingdom of Apple

@lilyoyo1 I read the first post on this sub-forum before posting this question. The post indicates Agave was re-released as a free unsupported version. When I searched the Apple App store, Agave is not listed nor does it show up in my purchased apps listing. For my search, I assumed the free version was still called Agave something.


I tried my version of Agave again from a different network and the app opens now. It tries to connect via primary connection, (fails, not on my home network) then switches to secondary connection, (fails because port is wrong & won't accept update) and finally connects via portal but the app crashes and closes as soon as the portal icon turns green. 

I did transfer my portal license from the 994 to the Eisy.

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3 hours ago, Ristin said:

@Frank_YYZ Oops, Kingdom of Apple

@lilyoyo1 I read the first post on this sub-forum before posting this question. The post indicates Agave was re-released as a free unsupported version. When I searched the Apple App store, Agave is not listed nor does it show up in my purchased apps listing. For my search, I assumed the free version was still called Agave something.


I tried my version of Agave again from a different network and the app opens now. It tries to connect via primary connection, (fails, not on my home network) then switches to secondary connection, (fails because port is wrong & won't accept update) and finally connects via portal but the app crashes and closes as soon as the portal icon turns green. 

I did transfer my portal license from the 994 to the Eisy.

I have gotten very busy and have not had time to keep up with Agave.  The Android version is still on the market, but I have had issues on the iOS store.  There is an issue between the 994 and the polisy/eisy platform.  I was able to get it updated in the Android side, but I have not had time too do it for the iOS version, but I will need to work out the iOS store issues first. 

I apologize to anyone using it and having issues.  I just got to be too much work maintaining it. I may have some time coming up in the holidays and I will do my best to get the iOS version back up. 

Keep in mind, that I have made Agave free so I can not devote as much time to.


I still appreciate the continued use and maybe someday I will be able to get back to it. 

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