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Scene On Levels

Go to solution Solved by Javi,

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Using iPhone.... I made a scene on UDMobile (made tons on a computer before, so I know how to do it with a desktop). But all the lights default to 100% 0.1 second. How do I edit on levels. Nothing I played with seemed to save the onlevel to the scene, just edited the current level once the scene was on.

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UD Mobile currently creates basic scenes.  Editing of Scene Links, for things like ramp rate and on level, must be done from the Admin Console.   This is still on our list for UD Mobile.

There are limited Scene edits in UD Mobile by either Home Tab edit mode or Node's Dashboard settings.  From Home Tab enter edit mode by clicking edit button (pencil icon) then click the scene then click Edit Scene.  From the Node's Dashboard (screen with all status and commands) click settings (gear icon) then click Edit Scene.

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