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I have 4 SwitchLincs I want to turn on at the same time, i.e., 30 min before sunset. Will this "flood" the network or should I stagger the commands 1 min or so?


Flood away, I say! I have scenes with 20+ devices all turning on at once. There are others, I have no doubt, which are far more still. I have an all-house program turning every scene and every device (nearing about 40, if memory serves) off "instantaneously". It works flawlessly.


The only problems I have had when I suspect are caused by clashing signals is when I try insteon too soon after an X-10 command. Even then, a wait of a couple of seconds proved sufficient. Waiting a minute would be an overkill in all cases, I suspect.


Create a scene for the devices and you should not have any problems. A scene only sends one command, no matter how many devices are included.


If you do want to control individual devices I would suggest a Wait 1 second every 5-6 devices. Note that they will turn on/off sequentially with ~0.5 second delays rather than simultaneously.




Thanks for the replies


I created two scenes but kept the same programs that address what is now the responder. I figure I'll have redundancy but that might not be necessary. Also curious how I can copy the program so I can paste it into another app like the forum here or notepad or something... or do I have to write it again?




Glad to help Jon.


You can right-click on a program name and select Copy to Clipboard. Paste between Code tags to maintain the formatting.




Thanks for the replies


I created two scenes but kept the same programs that address what is now the responder. I figure I'll have redundancy but that might not be necessary. Also curious how I can copy the program so I can paste it into another app like the forum here or notepad or something... or do I have to write it again?



Glad to help Jon.


You can right-click on a program name and select Copy to Clipboard. Paste between Code tags to maintain the formatting.



I would of thought I'd have tried that :) I updated to 2.7.15 and have had different experiences in the way the console functions when I open it up via http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.15/ or the Java app. I now strictly use the browser link it seems to give me better operation. probably just me though :)

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