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KPL Sub Button LED


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Hopefully a simple question. I have a 6 button KPL in my garage. When I press Button A (non-toggle ON) a few lights come on in a path to my kitchen. If I press B (another non-toggle ON) another set leads to my bedroom. There is some overlay of lights. What I want to do is once the sub button is pressed, wait about 30 seconds and then have the LED of the sub button return to the off state. Just the LED. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I tried this and couldn't get it to work...i created a main scene with the sub as a controller, toggle on only, i press sub button and it fires on all the lights, now the sub button back-light stays on all the time...can anyone think of any way to extinguish the back-light of the sub button...thanks

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my uderstanding is that the non-toggle on mode leaves the backlight in the on level. In non toggle off, the backlight is always in the off level. While one may be able to adjust the backlight levels, I believe that to be the extent of the flexibility offered by these devices.

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When you send an ON or OFF command to a KPL sub-button, you're really only changing the status of the LED. The trick is, in order to call this change from a program, the KPL sub-button must be in a scene. Here are the basic steps:


Create a new scene, let's call it 'KPL-Button B Scene'. Drag the 'KPL-Button B' into the scene as a responder (it should be the only thing in the scene).


Now create a program:


  Control 'KPL-Button B' is switched On   (notice this is the device, not the scene)

  Wait 30 sec
  Set Scene 'KPL-Button B Scene' Off   (notice this is the scene, not the device)



That should do it. Good luck!




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Could I just adjust the back-light to a zero level, and if so can you recommend an easy way to do that?


I know that you can turn off the backlight of the entire KPL. On some newer keypads, you can dim the backlight level. The instructions for the KPL include the steps. I recall that it was dependent on which version (8 button or 6?) and it was to simultaneously hold two buttons.


It can also be done through the ISY on some of the newer versions of KPL. In the device properties is a backlight property where one can set the backlight levels.


I am unaware of any way to separately control individual KPL backlight levels. The suggestion from BLH may work, but I am unsure if this is effective for KPL buttons set in non-toggle mode.

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I tried this and couldn't get it to work...i created a main scene with the sub as a controller, toggle on only, i press sub button and it fires on all the lights, now the sub button back-light stays on all the time...can anyone think of any way to extinguish the back-light of the sub button...thanks


You need to create an additional scene ONLY containing the sub-button as a responder, and write a program to turn that scene off (not your main scene) after x seconds.



but I am unsure if this is effective for KPL buttons set in non-toggle mode.


It is (or at least with my KPLs). I use ISY programs all the time to turn on KPL sub-buttons that are set to non-toggle off.

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With all of your help (separate scene and program turning scene/sub button off) I have the sub button reporting that it is off in three places the device itself, the scene where it is the controller, and the scene where it is the responder...unfortunately the physical button still shines like a beacon...what am i doing wrong?

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what am i doing wrong?


As usual, MikeB was correct. Out of curiousity, I wanted to confirm the ability to control the LED of a keypad button set for non-toggle. I was able to do this on the oldest KPL in my inventory.


As far as why you are having no luck, I can only assume that the program may not be set up correctly. Perhaps you could post it so that others can see it. Otherwise, I suspect it will be hard to offer much solid advice.

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Ok so here goes:


Main Scene - "Garage KPL - Master"

Controller - 'Garage KPL - Master' Button B on a six button KPL .v36 rev 54 (non-toggle - On)

Responders - 1 3way - L1, L2

1 4way - H1,H2,H3

1 Single MBCE

1 Single MBOC

Secondary Scene - 'Garage to Master Bed LED' = "Garage KPL - Master" ONLY Button B on a six button KPL .v36 rev 54


       Control 'Garage KPL - Master' is switched On

       Wait  10 seconds
       Set Scene 'Garage to Master Bed LED' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



All I want is the LED to turn off in the sub button B,,,Thanks

The software reports it is off, but the physical button is still on.

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The software reports it is off, but the physical button is still on.


Ooo!. This statement causes me to wonder if you have communication issues. Are you able to manually turn that scene 'Garage to Master Bed LED' off?


I have a couple of other thoughts regarding the program, but are suspicions only and hesitate to post until I can confirm on my own ISY. Perhaps those with the real brains can spot something right away.

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I cannot turn off the LED at all , ever eithe manually or via software


So, you have created a scene with only the keypad button in it, but turning the scene off (either manually or through a program) has no effect. Maybe you are having communication issues. How many insteon devices do you have. Do you use access points or similar? Do you use any filters? Is you computer system on a UPS or conditioned power? Is your ISY/PLM in the same outlet as your computer system?


My next temptation would be to perform a scene test on that scene to see if there are any indications of communication problems. This is available under diagnostics. Try it on this scene and on a few others. Do you see any indication of failure?


The only other thing that I can think of is the possibility that certain versions (older) may not have the ability to respond in such a manner. I know that the backlight of older KPLs cannot be remotely dimmed. Perhaps this is available only in newer generation switches.


We do know that MikeB can control his backlight in this way, and that I was able to do so as well. My KPL was about 2 years old.

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OK, so on a lark I tried this scenario on another KPL that I have and it worked flawlessly...so the problem appears to be localized on one KPL...I have another KPL on order so I will swap that one out and hopefully no problems..we'll see...thanks to all for your help, much appreciated.

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