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ApplianceLinc Dual Band?


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I still have some in use.

If they still work I would also say keep them.

I have some of the original V1.3. That failed. Load flashed on and off at about a 1 second cycle. I did rebuild them but now retired. My V4 ones are still in use.

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What life expectancy of the devices? I’ve still got most original devices install at house 15 years ago. Only recently had two single band dimmerlincs that failed and I replaced.

I bought a box full of dual band devices at one the last 50% Smarthome sales. I thought I’d upgrade single band with Dual Band. Replaced a few appliancelinc and lamplincs resulting in Insteon network becoming /is rock solid so never did wholesale swap of switches and other lamplincs. In fact, I’ve reused a few of the single band lamplincs and appliancelincs to replace equivalent that failed and then recapped broken for future use.

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