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Thanks to @glacier991 for suggesting a great addition to the forum topic area. Opening up an "IoX Program Support" area seemed to be a logical addition to the discussion area. 

Yes, there are LOTS of places to post, but keep this area focused on programs - asking for help with programs, learning programs, brainstorming programs, or anything having to do directly with programming functions in IoX and any number of plugins being used within IoX.


Just one guideline to consider:


  1. Proper method to share a program on the forum
    • Right click on the program
    • Select "COPY to Clipboard" (the last option on the menu!)
      • Copy_to_Clipboard.jpg
    • Paste the TEXT into your topic/reply (see example below)
    • This process makes it easier by not having to type/recreate the program portions.
    • This also makes the program searchable to help others in the future, or to re-jog OP's memory in the future 
  2. Do not attach files!
    • Any screenshots, PDFs, or other files attached to posts may result in the post/topic being removed and the OP asked to use the "COPY to Clipboard" method of sharing programs.


Example of copied program:

00-Query All - KEEP 

        Time is  3:00:10AM
        Set 'eisy' Query
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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