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Elk M1 Gold Support


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I am looking to purchase an ISY-99 but am a tad unclear on what level of support for the ELK M1 Gold that it provides? I see a few mentions on the forum suggesting the Ellk support is not fully implemented, but don't see any mentions of what is (or isn't) implemented. Is there a document somewhere which explains what functionality exists?



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Right now, you can arm and disarm the ELK system from the ISY and the ELK is aware of the status of all the insteon devices in the ISY. You can write rules in the ELK system to control lighting and also write rules in ELK based on the status of devices. The ELK can also control lighting by communicating with the ISY.


The ELK module that they are working on for the next beta will offer more integration between ELK and ISY. I don't know any details except to say what has been talked about here in the forums. The added functionality will be added as an add-on module like the weatherbug and networking module are currently. I believe you'll have to pay extra for it when it is finished. They have previously talked about making the ISY aware of the status of zones in the ELK. Also the ability to write programs in the ISY based on the status of zones as well as the status of the alarm (night, away, stay, vacation, or triggered alarm). I'm sure I've left out some of the things that they'll be doing with the ELK module, but it will probably at least double the functionality the currently offer with the ELK system.


Stay tuned for more info. It is coming up soon.

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I've had pretty much a fully functional ELK/ISY integration for almost a year now and I have few complaints. Just about everything I want to do, I can figure out a way with the current level of support. There are some things that are coming that will make programming much easier.


The main problem with the setup right now is that ELK rules are much more unreliable than ISY programs. Once we get zone info into the ISY, I think the reliability of my system will go up. Also, I have some KPL buttons dedicated to trigger actions by the ELK. I will be able to do away with the need for this once we have this module.


I don't know that they will charge for it, but I certainly would if I were them. This is an additional functionality that is added to their system. If you don't want to use it, then you don't have to pay for it. They are putting a lot of sweat into this add-on. It will be worth it to me. I don't use all their modules and I'm glad I don't have to pay for functionality that I don't use. To me, that's like buying windows and then having to pay additional for MS Word.

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