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Weatherbit - Day 0 does not run, Forecast runs


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Good morning,

Since 1 month, I have a problem with Weatherbit day 0. I do not have any info, but the forecasts not problem with the info.

I have reinstalled the app, connection, ... always the same problem.

For info , I have changed short poll 3600 to 7200, long poll 7200 to 10600 just in case.


Sans titre.jpg

Sans titre1.jpg


The error it's getting means that the weatherbit server is not returning any data based on the query that you are making. 

If you set the log level to debug, it will show the actual query being made and you can cut and paste that query into a browser and see what weatherbit is actually returning (likely some error).

The most likely causes are either the location is not valid, or the api key is not valid or you've exceeded the number of queries you can make per your subscription plan.



I did not made any changes of the configuration after this problem except, shortpoll 3600 to 7200 & longpoll 7200 to 10600 to avoid to exceed the number of queries.

Log level to debug, see the pic.

I have change the location for another one, same problem.

I use wheatherbit (same api, same location, ...) since 2020 more or less. As you see on the pic, I send you the dashboard on the weatherbit web.



Sans titre1.jpg

Sans titre1.jpg


You have to wait for it to actually query before that will show up in the log.  Once set to debug level, wait for at least the short poll time and then dlownload the log (download log button in PG3) and PM that file to me.

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