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Nodelink connected to Genmon, but can't send commands


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I have my ISY and Genmon app linked through nodelink.  I originally had it on my PC and it was working well, except that I had to leave the console open and it wouldn't let my monitor turn off. 

I have a micro PC in my basement that I use to monitor my aquariums.  I usually remote into the PC, so I don't have a monitor on it.  I installed nodelink and changed the IP in the ISY to point to the other PC.  The monitoring portion works fine so I know the connection is set up properly, but if I send a command or query it fails.  I can't start or stop the generator through the ISY (or more importantly, the UD app).

I started the nodelink service on the original PC and changed the IP in the ISY to that one and it works like it is supposed to.  I changed it back to the micro PC, and again it monitors, but doesn't command.

What am I missing? I can access the ISY and the Genmon app from the micro PC, so I know they can communicate.  Is is a windows setting? 


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