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Hunter Douglas shade plugin version 0.1.6

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Finally have Shade nodes which only use the parameters they have capabilities for.

If a new shade-type comes along it should default to all parameters.

Feel free to give feedback!


VERSION = '0.1.6'
DONE parameters based on shade capabilities

DONE format for program setShadePosition
DONE set Shade Position change using False to define which parameters to change
DONE more debug on G2 so it acts as expected

DONE add node_queue & as result need pause updates while in discovery
DONE FIRST TRY G2 tilt feature

DONE node discover rewrite to allow add/remove
DONE add event 'homedoc-updated' currently no actions
DONE limit room label size to 15 as room - shade/scene < 30 for ISY
DONE clean up LOGGING.debug messages
DONE G2 bug fixes

DONE change icons to nicer ones
DONE docs with screenshots & description for udi spotlight
DONE add troubleshooting document
DONE add some support for G2 gateways (no gateway push, only polling)

DONE tap into gateway events, which allows longPoll update to move from 30s to 60s
DONE active scene indications from events
DONE shade motion indicator from events
DONE shade position update from start, stop, online events
DONE remove parameters based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt)
DONE update readme & config instructions to highlight G3 scope

DONE handle multiple gateways automatically, picking primary & switching if required
DONE updated configuration instructions as well as link to the forums

past versions:
DONE fix uom for positions(100) & ids(107)
DONE more notices clean-up
DONE shade naming to include room as scenes
DONE remove status based on shade capability (primary, secondary, tilt)

DONE handling of notices individually
DONE polling 5s short-poll 30s long-poll
DONE status for programs (positions etc)

DONE faster status updates when command is given
DONE bug fix
DONE re-order of parameters displayed

DONE move shade by specific amounts
DONE bug fix scenes not activating

DONE change shortpoll to 30s
DONE update shades on shortpoll
DONE clear start notice at shortpoll
DONE clean up error proofing in get
DONE fix updating variables with shortpoll
DONE limit device ping to 5s

DONE discover when new gatewayip is entered
DONE poll status regularly using shortpoll
DONE update required after nodes added to get status
DONE notice when gateway get error


@GTench I will take a look; might be a day. Odd as I tested out with my G3. Wouldn’t have thought these changes would have broke just G2. 
So to be clear the status screens are working but the controls are not, correct?


@sjenkinsWhen I scan the log file I see a reoccurring message that says a function/object... takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given. Maybe because of the change to accommodate shade functionality. Don't know if this will help


@GTench ok, found the issue.  I've tested my G3 and all looks good.

Delete & reinstall the plugin.  No need to reboot EISY, just close and open IoX Launcher.

Thanks again!



@sjenkinsThanks for this. Looking good. Just did a few quick tests and they all worked. Will do more comprehensive testing tomorrow 

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@sjenkinsI did some more testing. The only issue I noticed with the tilt shades was that the Tilt Open button does not seem to work. SSP is working well. Open and Close work well

For the non tilt shades, the only issues that I noticed was that the SSP button at the screen bottom does not seem to work. The button in the middle of the screen works well. I noticed some strange results just after I started testing the shades but the issues were not repeatable; so, maybe I clicked the wrong button or did something too quickly.

For Foyer Tilt shade:

false,fasle Tilt Open did not work

false,19, SSP, worked and AC updated

false,19, Tilt Open did not work but instead closed the shade, AC updated tilt to 0

false,19, Tilt Close did nothing as it should - just testing to see if Tilt Open and Close actions were reversed

false,52, SSP, worked and AC tilt updated to 49

false,52, Tilt Close, worked and AC tilt updated to 0

10,52, SSP, worked with AC primary set to 10 and tilt left at 0

10,52, Open worked with AC primary set at 100

10,52, Close worked with AC primary set at 0


tried SSP with a shade that only has Bottom up - Media Room Center

was at 10 initially, SSP to 5 worked with AC primary at 5

SSP to 10 caused the shade to fully open with AC showing 100

SSP to 20 caused shade to close partially with AC set at 83 but physically the shade appears to be at 20

SSP to 30 worked with AC primary at 30

SSP to 5 worked with AC primary at 5

SSP to 10 worked with AC primary at 10 - just testing again to see if shade would fully open again but it did not

SSP to 15 using SSP at bottom of AC screen did not change anything

SSP to 15 using SSP in the middle of AC screen worked with AC updated to 15

Open worked with AC updating to 100

Close worked with AC updating to 0

SSP to 10 using button at the screen bottom did nothing, AC remained at zero

SSP with middle button to 10 worked with AC primary updated to 10






@sjenkins After some testing to try to figure out why my nodes all vanished when I deleted some scenes, it seems that I need to have at least one scene configured in the powerview app in each room for the plugin to load nodes. Once I did that the nodes all loaded into PG3 and the AC

Posted (edited)

@GTench  So went straight to your scene issue which turns out is not a scene issue.

Looking at the data the last shade being discovered had no data for positions in the dictionary.

positions = {}

so my discovery routine failed and never got to the scenes.

later when you added scenes that shade started to behave and hence your thesis it had to do with scenes.

Let me look at making discovery more resilient.

Also the tilt open seems to still be and issue.  could you use the PowerView app and tilt your shades completely open.  Can you tell me the number that is?  should be in the range of 32000 - 32200 I believe.    Forget this.  Found the issue.  has to do with prioritising the primary to the tilt. 


btw: :  you are doing a great job of putting this plugin through its paces!  Your logs are SOOOO helpful.

Edited by sjenkins
Posted (edited)


ok per previous I pushed a bug-fix which should resolve both the tilt-open/close issue and the discovery failure issue.  You should not need to make a scene in every room to work, that was just a side effect of the issue.

As far as the bottom SetShadePosition button.  Why did that all of a sudden start showing up?!?!

I am comparing to my RGBW node in the MQTT server and it's the same.   Maybe a side effect of how I am doing inheritance with the node structures?  More research required here.

And ya it doesn't work the same as the one above as it doesn't pass the parameters onto the node.  Why?!?


Edited by sjenkins


false,false, Tilt Open worked with AC tilt showing 49

false,false, Tilt Close worked with AC tilt showing 0

Deleted 2 scenes in powerview app so 2 rooms now have no scenes, restarted plugin

nodes and deleted scenes still showing upon restarting AC

rebooted IOX but deleted scenes still there

reinstalled plugin, restarted AC and deleted scenes were gone and nodes loaded successfully

Looks like your fixes worked. Really appreciate all the time and effort you have put into this. Cannot be easy given the lack of good G2  api documentation and the fact you don't have a G2 hub. Your plugin will be quite useful for me. You should consider charging for it. I would be more than willing to pay for it.

I will be tied up over Easter with kids and grand kids; so, don't know how much more testing I can do before Monday but the only issue I am aware of right now is the SSP button at the bottom of the non tilt shade in the AC.

If you can think of anything else you want me to try, please let me know



hunterdouglas_3-29-2024_84857_AM.zip hunterdouglas_3-29-2024_81024_AM.zip

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Posted (edited)

@GTench Please enjoy Easter with kids and grand kids ; we are heading back to the north on Sunday.  Ignore this until you have time.


if you delete a scene or shade it is supposed to stay there until you hit discovery or if you reboot the plugin ; it should remove them.  I'll run through it again.

So glad the tilt is working now ; was another oversight of mine.

Can you clarify your statement above:


 but the only issue I am aware of right now is the SSP button at the bottom of the non tilt shade in the AC

does the SSP button not show up below on the tilt shade.  I am trying to figure out why those buttons sometimes show below and sometimes don't. lol.  I do know how to make that bottom button work but I don't know why it works different and I'd love to just remove it.  Seems like a duplication.

On the G2, you are the reason I was able to develop it ; your testing rigger made it happen.  

btw: it also mad my G3 better along the way.

I know I could charge for it & I might, not really the reason I wrote it.  Mostly because I wanted it and as well for the challenge.  I do know that you are not going to be paying for it.


Edited by sjenkins
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@sjenkinsjenkins the ssp button only shows up at the bottom on the non tilt shades AC screen and does not work. The ssp button also shows up in the middle of the AC screen for both tilt and non tilt shades and woks well there for both shade types. I agree that deleting the bottom ssp button makes the most sense. As you said it is redundant. 

I did try restarting the plug in and also tried the discovery button and restarting IoX but that did not remove the deleted scenes. The only thing that worked for me was a plug in reinstall 


@GTench Thanks that gives me something to go on for the ssp button.

I will check the discover function.  Looks like deleting nodes is not working for G2.  I tested successfully for my G3, but that was a while ago.  Perhaps I broke it.

It only fires the discover routine when the parameters change and when the discover button is hit on the AC Controller node or the polyglot plugin screen.  So its intended function is not to fire on normal start-up or reboot.  I was afraid that if a gateway was not found that it would delete a bunch of nodes, so made it pretty manual and purposeful.



@GTench I pushed a fix for the setShadePosition buttons.  All looks good.

Seems to be a quirk of how the nodedef profile works.  Had to remove the flag for optional so that the shades which only had one parameter would function as expected.  I am assuming that it was deciding that it was ok to put below if no parameters are "needed".

The discover function seems to work ok (at least on G3) if button is pushed after a change and without a plugin reset.

I need to do some more testing.  While playing around deleting and installing the plugin with my testing ; the odd time it didn't find all nodes & needed pressing a second time.

The last thing on my todo list is exclusive to G3 & has to do with cleaning up the events routine.  G3 pushes events when the shades move or a scene is activated.  I want to make sure that routine is bullet-proof.

Please do your normal battle testing on the plugin ; you will likely find something else.  The list is getting shorter!



@sjenkinsinstalled latest plugin version, started AC and the Set Shade Position button was now gone from the bottom of the AC non tilt shade screen

false,false, Tilt Open works with AC showing 49

false,false Tilt Close works with AC tilt showing 0

false, 25, SSP did not work but AC tilt showing 25

false,55, SSP worked with AC tilt showing 49

false,25, SSP worked with AC tilt showing 25

20,25, SSP worked with AC tilt correctly showing 0 and primary at 20 and shade physically open at 20% 

false,false, Tilt Open worked, shade closed and AC tilt at 49, AC primary at 0

false,false. Tilt Close works with AC tilt showing 0

false,20, SSP worked this time with actual shade and AC tilt at 25% (not sure why it didn't work before - could be I didn't click the button?)

Tilt Close then activated a scene Foyer - Tilt Full and that worked the second time I clicked the button, AC shows 50 (not 49) not really a problem though

Tilt Close worked

Tilt and position working well for tiltable shades. I will test non tiltable shades next followed by using the discovery button when I add and remove scenes

The odd time I need to click the AC button a second time for it to work but this is very infrequent and I don't see it as an issue just FYI




@sjenkinsFor Non Tilt shades:

false, Open worked with AC primary at 100

false, Close worked with AC primary at 0

10, SSP worked with AC primary at 10

 Created a new scene call Test1 in the powerview app

in AC for HunterDouglas clicked Discover and got this error AC screen but Test1 did show up in the AC just not under HunterDouglas in the tree. When I did not originally see it I clicked Discover in PG3; so, not sure which of those caused it to appear. Maybe the log will help

Created another scene Test2 and clicked Discover in the AC. This time it showed up under HunterDouglas and there was no popup error message

I deleted Test1 using the powerview app and clicked Discover in the AC. Test1 was removed from the AC without any error message in the AC

I deleted Test2 using the powerview app and clicked Discover in the AC. Test2 was removed from the AC without any error message in the AC






@GTench  Great testing job!


Created a new scene call Test1 in the powerview app

in AC for HunterDouglas clicked Discover and got this error AC screen but Test1 did show up in the AC just not under HunterDouglas in the tree.

I have seen both of these before.  Both in my plugin and others.  You can hit second mouse button and group to bring it under the tree.  I will go through  the logs to see if the error shows anything either I can change or feed back to UD.

I also want to go through and see about the double button item.  That could be irritating but more importantly matters if it happens in a program. There is no feedback other than a http 200 that the command went to the gateway.

I'm interested as you start using the plugin in programs how it fairs.

So... what do you think?  Anything major still on the todo list / wish list or are we in pretty good shape?


@sjenkinsI think you are in pretty good shape and I can't think of any other feature that I would like. I have been using the plugin in programs for the non tilt shades for a few days now and everything is working well. The tilt shades are still running from schedules in the powerview app but I will change that to your plugin in a day or two. I don't foresee any issues doing this but if there are I will report back. 

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