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Variables on Favorite window

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Is there a way for an icon representing a variable in the favorites window to automatically update without having to tap the icon.  Currently on Android version 1.1.64

Edited by Techman
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How do you get the icon representing a variable to populate without having to click on the icon when the favorite window is selected?

When you refer to enabling an item I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to.

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It is a System (Settings > System > system-name) Setting.

Requesting variables/programs status at startup is a user preference and disabled by default. Some users have hundreds of variables/programs and this may add to significant delays on Remote Connections especially with high latency connections. So the options are request at startup or updates only. Updates only show status whenever the variable/program status changes or the Device's Dashboard is opened. Opening the Device's Dashboard forces a single status update to account for high latency connections, this forces a status update outside of the status update observer. 


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