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MQTT versioning

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I am currently running v40.2 mqtt-poly from the non-production store.  With the production version be updated to 40 from v39 any time soon? I ask because I need to rebuild all my scenes manually each time I switch between production and non-production versions.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, maxnorth said:

I am currently running v40.2 mqtt-poly from the non-production store.  With the production version be updated to 40 from v39 any time soon? I ask because I need to rebuild all my scenes manually each time I switch between production and non-production versions.

Greetings from the other side of the world.

@sjenkins, I'm wondering, if this can be solved by changing the name of the plug-in from mqtt-poly to MQTT... This would require me to remove the current MQTT from the Beta Store though, or point the MQTT plugin to load from your repository.

I could do so early next week, when I'm back from my trip

Edited by TriLife
added missing information
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@maxnorth to answer your question of when, I was waiting for stability & for @TriLifeto return from vacation. We currently have two betas as we both have been developing features and testing them independently. And so with the way polyglot is structured it does not lend well to multiple developers or more accurately more than one releaser of versions. 

I honestly don’t know if the name change will do it due to the fact that the id used is pushed from one persons developer list who first pushed the app.  The id is specific to that app but can be pushed to more than one store. What I normally do when I have caused this issue inside of my login (by creating the listings independently) is go into my developer list, delete one, and push the beta or production from the listing for the other one. This aligns the ids. @bmercier do you know of any way for two developers to push a shared app which then the stores will allow users to install on top of a current install?  Is the matching name enough? Or is the id the critical item.  You can modify/mimic a name but not mimic an id. Or is the system set for on person to be the pusher of store listings. 

bottom line our new versioning structure will make this easier. If @TriLife pushes a major version to each store, say 0.45.0 using branch 0.45.x to beta and 0.44.6 using branch 0.45x to the production store. Through the GitHub I can make changes to the branch and they will push. Not perfect as the minor version is currently represented in the push. Again the system is not set up for multiple pushers of development versions. 

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