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Ceiling fan noise

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Been seeing issues with programs not running at all or partially. An example is  a program the turns outside lights off at sunrise. This morning while in bed I checked on Mobilelinc and sure enough the lights were still on. Tried manually running the then statement in the program and no luck. Tried several times. Then noticed the ceiling fan running.  I remembered that motors can cause noise on the power line.  Shut it off and tried the then statement again it ran perfectly. Lights went off. Now the question. How to filter the noise on hardwired fans?  The outside lights are controlled by 2466SW togglelincs so no RF, but have been rock solid for years and still work fine when directly controlled through the admin program or Mobilinc or at the switch so I think they are ok. It’s just the ISY 994 programs. I did have to replace the PLM a couple of months ago. One other  thing. The ceiling fan has a Hunter remote control setup installed. In the ceiling mount. Is that a known cause of noise?  

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Insteon offers 2 wired-in filters for sale on their site to combat noise making devices. Hopefully one fits in the fan's j-box. I don't know which one to recommend. Maybe ask on the insteon forums

Also, X-10 sold the xpf filter which I think still can be found. I've used it effectively on noisy transformers... But it can be a little bit of work to get it in a j-box

Edited by paulbates
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Thanks Paul.  I may have jumped the gun a bit.  Doing some more in-depth analysis on this at the admin console by running the then statements on the off-at-sunrise and on-at sunset programs and it still isn't consistent, even with the ceiling fan off.  Going through the breakers one at a time trying to isolate the noise, if it is in fact a noise issue after all.  Thought I had it narrowed down to bedroom 2 by flipping the breaker off, but on about the 20th cycle if the then statements it reappeared that one of the outside lights didn't respond correctly.  Very tedious and I am getting my walk time in going back and forth to the switch panel!  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/15/2024 at 5:55 AM, BCreekDave said:

Now the question. How to filter the noise on hardwired fans?  

Paul's X10 xpf filter is a solid choice.  Here is a smaller one at Mouser that should be fine:



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4 hours ago, PinchRoller said:

One thing you have to take into account.

That filter will also absorb X10 and Insteon power line signals. So it could effect other modules on the same power feed.


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