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Eisy - Update neighbors failing on some devices

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My zwave devices are functioning but when I try to do an "Update Neighbors" on some devices the update neighbors fails. Screen shot below.

Note that it appears that the devices further away from hub are doing it, but not all of them.  I can do a successful "Update with Interview" on the devices and I can do a successful "rewrite all device links".

Anyone else having this problem?

Anyone have a fix?


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1 minute ago, Techman said:

Are any of the devices that you're unable to update battery powered?

Which controller and Z-wave dongle are you using, 500 or 700 series?


No.  They are wired

EISY with zMatter.


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It's possible that those devices have a marginal signal. Have you tried adding a z-wave repeater?

It looks like device 168 is communicating with the controller but not the other devices.  Are the devices 500 or 700 series?


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